(0 replies, posted in Releases)

The first chiptune fusion ep from duality micro in 2017

https://evadeanddualitymicro.bandcamp.c … 321fn17-ep



(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hi mates, there are new synccables back in stock, check the sync videos on my youtube channel


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1a1VJ … l1ycRD75Zw

Regards fReD


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hello, monotribe & volca cv synccables are back in stock!


Wish you all a merry christmas/ duality micro smile


(329 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Mono is awesome - a great new tool for us all here

Hi mates, i move to a new place and the production of the cables will be paused for some weeks.
After that, the production will go on. At the moments there are to cables left.


Regards fReD from duality micro


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

Hello, i did two simple videos with first test's with the nice nanoloop mono togehter with the volca bass and keys and the microbrute:

Here synced by the beatstep pro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTBZkTf … e=youtu.be

Here synced by a sequence of the microbrute
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fct4oxT … e=youtu.be

Greetings fReD


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hi thx, but i wonder that it costs 29,00 Euro ... much money


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hello, is there someome out there how sells a memory pack mega?
Please send me an pm.
Thanks forward
Regards fReD

This is the remixed version of an duality micro/ eVADE interview from march 2016. The speech version of it you can watch here:


The speech version of the interview is here:

This is the remixed version of an duality micro/ eVADE interview from march 2016. The speech version of it you can watch here:



Special Thanks to hathlos



Special Thanks to hathlos


Hello, i search a nice tracker or similar tool for making chiptune music with the first imac (the first G3)
Any good ideas?
Thanks forward regards duality micro


(2 replies, posted in Past Events)

Hej, still love it wink hope more chiptuners will give me some tracks fro broadcasting. I wana build 1-2 chiptune tracks in my weekly radio cast.



(17 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

... after some first steps (love that sounds) i wonder why the exported wav is not so loud. But not a big problem i can normalized it. How can i create pads?


(17 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

Ah oh great. Thank you. That helps allot


(17 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

Thanks about the info that there is no much effects or bending. Is there a way to step by step preview or only the ones with the control arrows


(17 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

Hello, oh thank you for the much infos. I hope i get an ZX Spectrum + in the future. When i export a track in beepola i can do this as a wav file. What i didnt understand at the moment is for what are Skw and Detune ( i believe i know for what its is) but how can i change the values, the sttings. And in the drum section i can choose different sounds between 1-9 ... are there more?


(17 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

And the last question for today. How can i set that the notes are not playing unlimited?
Thank you