Something that's always helped me in doing SFX using PSGs/trackers is to look at the waveform of a real example of the sound. If you want to make a good footstep sound, open up a real recording of a footstep and look at what makes up that waveform.

As you analyze this you're looking for a few things:

  • How does the amplitude (volume) change over time?

  • How does the pitch change over time?

  • Can you identify a general shape of the waveform?

  • Are there a lot of resonant frequencies?

Amplitude and pitch are pretty easy to edit and automate in almost any given tracker so you can simply recreate those elements of the sound in your tracker. Unfortunately, most real world sounds are not simple waveforms so you'll have to get creative about how to emulate overtones and resonant frequencies.

Fast arpeggios and pulse width modulation can sometimes be effective to get closer to the original sound and for sounds that appear extremely resonant or seemingly random you can use a noise channel to get some of the sharp sound.

Eventually through this sort of exploration you'll get a pretty good sense of what a sound is made up of without even having to open up a graphical representation of it and soon enough you'll have a whole slew of tricks for mimicking all sorts of different sounds.


(11 replies, posted in Sega)

marcb0t wrote:
Virus610 wrote:

If I'm not mistaken, doesn't setting your instrument's Duty/Noise to 1 or 3 have the same effect on the Noise channel?

Yes. Although, it's irrelevant seeing as that it would be the same result regardless whether you select 1 or 3.   .-.

Except you can change the parameter faster that way and leave the effect slot free.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The arpeggio?


(11 replies, posted in Sega)

Woah. Gotta check this out. Any idea how stable and/or feature full it is?

weaselspoon wrote:

What I'd like to do is run mGB on two different Gameboys on MIDI channels 1-10. This seems to imply that to do that I'd need a custom version of mGB. Is that crazy talk?

You'd need a customized arduinoboy running this code and using a modified pinout to support two Game Boys. However, since mGB has a simple setting for changing the midi channel offset, you don't need to be running a custom ROM or anything.

The pinouts you need are here:

int pinGB1Clock     = 0;    // Analog In 0 - clock out to gameboy 1
int pinGB1SerialOut = 1;    // Analog In 1 - serial data to gameboy 1
int pinGB1SerialIn  = 2;    // Analog In 2 - serial data from gameboy 1

int pinGB2Clock     = 3;    // Analog In 3 - clock out to gameboy 2
int pinGB2SerialOut = 4;    // Analog In 4 - serial data to gameboy 2
int pinGB2SerialIn  = 5;    // Analog In 5 - serial data from gameboy 2

int pinMidiInputPower = 4; // power pin for midi input opto-isolator

int pinStatusLed = 13; // Status LED
int pinLeds[] = {12,11,10,9,8,13}; // LED Pins

int pinButtonMode = 3; //toggle button for selecting the mode


(329 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I can't get my cartridge to properly boot. On a DMG I see the hello screen and the nanoloop logo but pressing start brings me to a blank screen which takes no input.

Perhaps I'm missing something but I can't find anything mentioned in the manual or elsewhere about this. Is my cart just a dud?


(28 replies, posted in General Discussion)

spacetownsavior wrote:

people can play arpeggios pretty fast tho

think about what an arpeggio actually is -- it's literally just a broken chord. arpeggios don't "simulate" chords, they ARE chords

In the literal sense of the term that's true but people generally assume that a chord is simultaneous unless you specify that it's a broken chord.

A synth/chiptune fast-arp is also somewhat unique to fast arpeggios or broken chords on most traditional instruments as no two notes ever ring out together, which gives it a harsher sound than is commonly found elsewhere.

Very useful features! Excited to update when I get home.

Is any of your stuff in that giant 8bc torrent? That's probably a good place to start.

Laser Life / Iceland /


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

zander wrote:

Hey!!! That is how I organize my chains as well Though I go 0-19 pv1 20-39 pv 2 ect.. ! I disagree with you jefftheworld. Just because he uses an organization pattern doesn't mean he HAS to stick with it. This format just makes it so the channels don't get cluttered. It also saves those instances where you can't find an unused phrase. Super easy. Super chill. A+

But most advanced sequencing would completely break those organizational rules constantly. How do you categorize a chain/phrase that comprises of drums, bass, echo of another channel and harmony? In most of my songs there are few, if any, phrases or tables that could fit into those categories, so it would take a lot of work to try to think of an organizational schema that would work for my style.

When I go back to a song that I wrote years ago it does take some time to remember the structure but it doesn't take long at all to remember it, maybe a couple plays all the way through? I think that's less time than creating and learning a generalized schema. Every song is different, so I'd rather not try to fit them all into one box.

hermit wrote:

Bump here too hmm  Too many projects and interests and too few time atm...sorry.
The good news is all my current projects are about SID in a way... :{)
check out my latest one, jsSID:
(zip downloadable at

With this you can make your SIDs playable at your webpage within browser, no need for Flash plugin..

This is super cool and I hope I can do something neat with this soon!


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The only problem with this sort of scheme is that you're limiting any potential for channel economy, table blending and any creative or novel use of sequencing in general. I also use live mode a lot but I wouldn't personally give up freedom in terms of my sequencing.


(329 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

infradead wrote:

ordered as well.  first time i've bought a new nanoloop cart.  always bought used ones that smelt of cat litter, horse vomit, and styrofoam.


I'll pop in, of course.


(0 replies, posted in Atari)

FIXED: Used a different flash drive and it inexplicably worked.