(4 replies, posted in Releases)

Is that electric guitar synth from ZynAddSubFX?


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Well this "NBB" title change is better than "BBM" at least (not ripping off EDM tongue )
I propose slight adjustment to Nu Big Beat mhm

No but I think the idea is good, tho, seriously. It'd be cool to hear that kind of music in chippy stuffs.


(1 replies, posted in Releases)

Sounds cool smile It definitely has an enjoyable atmosphere to it. Keep goin.

I like the sound of this.


(14 replies, posted in General Discussion)

(To compare it to something that arguable takes no/less skill. Buying already composed loops, sound effects and just arranging them one after the other in a DAW. That's gonna give you a semi-polished EDM track that you had like no hand in creating, you opened your wallet LOL, that's where the effort was. No skill. And yes, you could argue that the arranging is still a skill but whatever, if you don't know how to make your tracks sound good on your own, you're lacking skill.)

Lol, nice rant. Everyone is lacking skill in some area or another; Doesn't mean they have no skill whatsoever. Anybody can literally produce music on any instrument or platform whatsoever, whether it be through manipulation of single-cycle waveforms or purchased loops. Whether it's actually good or interesting music to listen to or not is irrelevant to the chosen platform. Making great-sounding music through the arranging and layering of loops does take skill, and it's really cool too. I doubt every single artist who can make great chipmusic can also use prepackaged loops to make music that's just as good as their chipmusic. They're lacking in skill? tongue

Also, arranging loops doesn't have to end up as EDM, haha. People have been arranging loops long before EDM was even a thing tongue


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

If you're listening to online radio, you can throw the stations .pls file into VLC and hit the record button.

jangler wrote:

datamask is a source-only tracker module netlabel

edit: also, a lot of the old releases on inpuj are source-only tracker modules

Beat me to it.

Also: https://bitpuritans.bandcamp.com/album/2a03-puritans

a little drum machine that doesn't stay in sync for long

I don't understand why backers get upset when the devs manage to eventually figure out a way to make an item cheaper than it was during the development phase, lol

It's funny how much the kickstarter backers rewards mentality has changed since its inception.

This looks like a good deal for someone who really wants this item.

Sounds great! Would be kinda cool if It had some uptempo drums at some point to contrast with the downtempo part that's in the second half,... cuz it's a boss battle and stuff... aggressive energy and stuff... just personal preference


(36 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Delek wrote:
IceWolf wrote:

That's neat but why wouldn't we just use milkytracker?

This kind of posts are slowly destroying Chiptune software engineering.

This kind of posts are quickly destroying Chiptune software usage.

I'm quite excited about this kind of because I've used HivelyTracker a fairbit and I like ahx music and a new successor to ahx is gonna be awesome yay big_smile



(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It gave me the power of expression through computer-based music that I'd been searching for all these years


(2 replies, posted in Releases)




(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Basically, no, you can't use the Hop command that way. That's not the way it works. It won't skip directly to the end of the sequence of 7E chains because the Hop command has to Hop from one phrase to the next. It doesn't skip the Phrase that it's hopping too just because it's the same chain as the one that came before it. And empty chains wouldn't work because there's no Phrase to play, so it's null. Kinda like trying to press Play on the the song screen on a row that's just -- -- -- --.
"I was avoiding that because i wanted to save space on the song screen. Makes it faster to cycle through the song."
You can't have your cake and eat it too. VCMG's suggestion of breaking up the solo into smaller chains would make cycling through the song faster and easier. Having the solo in one long 01 chain on PU1 makes it impossible to start the solo at any point other than the beginning if you want it to be synced up with the chains on the rest of the channels. Plus you're not saving any [physical] space (which is what I assume you meant by that) on the song screen because you still have a huge block of
20 40 60
20 40 60
20 40 60
20 40 60
20 40 60
20 40 60
Along with the single 01 followed by a ton of 7Es.

"That what i was doing until now. The problem is that i'm running out of chains (in this song i combine the phrases in many different ways) and in this way i have to use two chains for the same musical ideal. I would have to use, for example: 20, 40 and 60 to a single bar idea and 21, 41 and 61 to the same idea repeated 8 times."
The solution to running out of chains is to use LONGER sequences of phrases per chain, actually (maybe throw in some more variation too for good "measure" while you're at it? tongue ) for example, if you have 16 slots in your chain, and you have two ideas that use only 4 slots, you can put both of those ideas in one chain TWICE instead of breaking them up into two separate chains for two separate ideas. You can still economically combine the phrases in many different ways while using unique Chains for each variation. Just use up all that chain space with more phrases, man.

You kind of just have to incorporate a compromise between all the suggestions to find a balance between Phrase length, ease of navigation, and keeping everything lined up.