2 Sep 24, 2014 7:58 pm
Re: TWG's Goodbye Releases: TWG025| barbeque - transient portals (48 replies, posted in Releases)
3 Mar 1, 2014 6:40 am
Topic: random songs by ocean palace (0 replies, posted in Releases)
random songs
1. trials of the divine 02:03
2. fifteen warriors in a hallway (feat. guardia) 03:17
3. shadowy chaos fighter tunic 03:38
4. pangolin 02:25
5. tetrahydrocannabinol 01:54
6. reptoid 02:13
7. oh you (feat. guardia) 01:44
8. dear man stu in the battle of the snowy mountain 01:45
9. discontent in the oasis 02:50
10. illuminance 03:34
11. welcome to the space jam 03:20
12. tropical dungeon boss theme song 02:30
13. saving throw 01:38
14. war throne of the ice god (feat. deaf horse) 04:04
15. kitty snugglez 01:44
16. key of the exiles 03:17
just consolidated all the tunes i've finished since my last release into a new album: random songs! i hope you all enjoy it and let me know what you think!! thanks for listening!! love you guys!!
from, alex
4 May 30, 2013 9:37 pm
Re: roh hutan (singles) (7 replies, posted in Releases)
i am flattered this got compared to me because this is a really awesome song! this is epic man.
5 May 30, 2013 9:27 pm
Re: Humble Request For Pen & Paper RPG BGM Tunes (15 replies, posted in General Discussion)
just saw my name got dropped in this thread, thanks graustufe! i would be so down for my music to be in any project at all! YA it's all free on oceanpalace.bandcamp.com. i will even make music to fit whatever you have in mind if you'd like that too!
6 Dec 14, 2012 5:14 am
Topic: [Sacramento, CA] Auxcide/TristEndo/GUARDIA/CTLGS/Slump/Ocean Palace (1 replies, posted in Past Events)
Hey everyone in the Sacramento, CA area there is a show in 2 days at The Colony.
We want as many people to show up as humanly possible! Send this to everyone you know!
3512 Stockton Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95820
12/15 -- 8 PM
AUXCIDE // https://www.facebook.com/Auxcide
TRISTENDO // https://www.facebook.com/TristEndo
GUARDIA // http://guardia.bandcamp.com/
CTLGS // https://www.facebook.com/ctlgs
SLUMP // http://soundcloud.com/slumpy-1
OCEAN PALACE // http://oceanpalace.bandcamp.com/
7 Oct 4, 2012 11:23 am
Topic: war of the merfolk [e.p] - ocean palace (0 replies, posted in Releases)
war of the merfolk [e.p] - ocean palace
1. the battle of atlantis
2. within the black sanctum
3. a wizard's triumph
it's free here http://oceanpalace.bandcamp.com/album/w
erfolk-e-p let me know what you think
9 Aug 24, 2012 3:37 am
Re: cerapteryx - ocean palace (6 replies, posted in Releases)
thanks so much for listening! it means the world to me.
10 Aug 24, 2012 2:05 am
Topic: cerapteryx - ocean palace (6 replies, posted in Releases)
cerapteryx - ocean palace
1. warhammer 40k
2. butterscotch
3. rebels of ardan (featuring guardia)
4. living cats (featuring pregnant and guardia)
5. chronopolis
6. chronic quest
7. the andromeda council
it's free here http://oceanpalace.bandcamp.com/album/cerapteryx hope you enjoy it!
11 May 8, 2012 6:53 am
Re: missingno. - ocean palace (2 replies, posted in Releases)
thanks very much! glad to hear some positive feedback!