It seems there's a SID WIzard 1.7 and SID Wizard 1.7 patched for Kerberos. Of course there's no real way to tell and the 1.7 which wasn't patched was the one included on the Kerberos cart. Once you download the latest SID Wizard 1.7, the MIDI menu will give you a "Namesoft" option which solves note triggering issues. The Kerberos manual says to use the "DATELJMS" option which doesn't even remotely work. Of course none of this is documented.

Having said that, after updating the note triggering lags, the SID WIzard playback kicks in a full half second after the sequencer sends a MIDI start command and there's no MIDI sync. Extremely frustrating.

@akira: I understand. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one on this planet to utilize such a feature.

@cyberic: Yep. The email bounced back as undeliverable and apparently I'm not fucking cool enough for CSDB to get back to me, so no contact there either.

john sparks wrote:

if the statements hold true, then everyone would be under the buss

Quick, everyone throw your overpriced DMG away.

The contact info for Hermit is bouncing emails, so no direct contact.

Thanks for the reply, Akira. Exactly the sort of response I was looking for.

I've tried the Triad program, and I'm not a huge fan of the c64-as-a-sound-module approach, only because I have a Sammich for that. I would compare syncing SID Wizard to syncing LSDJ vs using mGB - I would like to utilize the player commands to create sounds impossible otherwise, especially when utilizing tempo speeds.

The MIDI start only is a total head-scratcher, especially when SID Wizard starts a full half second after you start the external sequencer.

I may have a fix...testing.

Can any of you seem to get the following to work with Kerberos/SID Wizard? I need your assistance.

- Kerberos properly syncing SID Wizard with an external MIDI clock. (Starts/stops - not very well - but no actual sync. What's the point?)

- Loading songs/instruments into SID Wizard when starting SID Wizard from program slot 3 in Kerberos menu. (You still have to use a 1541 to save/load.)

- Loading instruments properly from virtual disk #2 when starting SID Wizard from the Kerberos file directory function. (It seems this is the only way for SID Wizard to load songs/instruments directly from Kerberos, but this eliminates the SID Wizard autoboot function of Kerberos and instruments seem corrupt anyway.)

I cannot get SID Wizard (1.7) to sync properly via MIDI with a DAW. Is this even possible?

It seems to start playback regardless of the tempo I'm sending, and if I'm being completely honest, it doesn't do that very well as it starts playback when it feels like it. I'm using the Kerberos interface.

Furthermore, has anyone successfully loaded instruments from Kerberos Virtual Disk #2 into SID Wizard? It's completely broken over here.


(336 replies, posted in Sega)

Chaos tracker is a fantastic name.


(8 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

A new batch of SammichFM units are in the works. Reserve your entry in the queue by expressing your interest in this thread: … ee-page-2/

The invoices will be sent once 50 units are spoken for. The list can be found here: … iting_list


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have to agree with 9-Heart in the sense of the title being a bit misleading/clickbait.

Having said that, I too lost my father and I too am a big fan of your work. Hang in there. These experiences build character.

Welcome to the dead parents club.

You had me at "correct operation of clock modded DMG."

DSC wrote:

I seem to recall buying all of your stuff when you were trying to make NES carts work, TSC.

What exactly does that have to do with anything?

DSC wrote:

No respect for the the few of us who dug in and figured it out as opposed to just giving up?

Who said anything about respect? I'm telling you it works both ways - it's your right to spend your time however you want and it's anyone else's right to have an opinion about it. I personally couldn't care any less either way. Is it for me? Fuck no. Do I think it's extremely overpriced? Absolutely.

Having said that, pulling the "respect" card in a thread littered with your defensive posts, dick measuring & advertisements is a complete Shitlord move, especially in the context of $500 NES systems.

As far as giving up goes: not even close. I've been releasing self-coded, limited-run, unmarked NES playback/demo carts to various Goodwill stores around the US for a few years now.

DSC wrote:

life story/product placement/defensive quips/etc

If you're insisting we accept the value of time/work put into this project, you need to accept the opinion that some of us find this completely unnecessary and retarded.

@esc: Thanks for the kind words.

@metatronaut: Don't listen to music. Period. Turn off the radio, don't buy vinyl and erase the music off your phone.

Spend a year away from music which isn't yours, ignore the politics of what it is you're using to create and do nothing but write with anything you have. Want to listen to house? Make it. Want to listen to thrash metal? Make it. Want to listen to a 1920's cover of an early 90's era Kenny G anthem as interpreted by a satanist drinking chocolate milk? Make it. The advice might sound a little draconian but trust me when I say it works.

By doing this you get a better understanding of what it is you actually want to make, opposed to what you feel you need to make because of the equipment you're using. You also develop a unique workflow and avoid the trap of outside influence.