Will you be selling them on ebay, or selling them to Kitsch or Nonfinite?

abrasive wrote:
Shadow-Bit wrote:

When will I be Abel to buy from your site?

maybe never. (seriously.)

Why is that?

Victory Road wrote:

if you're not Abel, you Cain always wait
abrasive's gonna make a killing on these

Ha ha, well i've learned that you guys are sarcastic as F*ck, so all i'm gonna do is laugh!

When will I be Abel to buy from your site?

abrasive wrote:
Shadow-Bit wrote:

Okay guys i'm back and ive saved up 800$ so where's the carts?

Hello Shady-Beans! The carts are currently 90% "here in my workroom", and 10% "on a motherf***ing boat somewhere between North America and Australia".


Hmm not here yet well I'm willing to wait.

Okay guys i'm back and ive saved up 800$ so where's the carts?


Yeah still can't wait to hold one in my hands and say, oh lord this day shall be remembered forever.

i agree lets "Be nice be cool"

Why you hate me :'(

abrasive wrote:
Shadow-Bit wrote:

It was a joke, you know that right?

Being rude is being rude. Sure, if you have a personal relationship where that kind of thing's okay, that's one thing, but that's pretty obviously not the case here.

Sorry if a was being rude, I'll keep it to myself.

abrasive wrote:
Shadow-Bit wrote:

Good day sir

You know that being rude to people doesn't exactly make me want to sell you one of my babies when there are so many other people who want one right now...?

It was a joke, you know that right?

Victory Road wrote:

hey now, don't be a shadow-bitch!

Now that's funny.

12ianma wrote:

Woah, he's actually catching on

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Good day sir

Victory Road wrote:

so where can i get a cart

in the future.

I resent that.