Well my Q is so i can mod the drag n derp to light up when i turn it on.

Where can i find some really freaking bright blue leds?

Go! Krabby!

i really don't like you people haha.

12ianma wrote:

Uhh, okay Beavis

What ever butt head.

I think it would be great if everybody would take its seriously and stop being a child. i ask a simple question and i get a sarcastic bull crap. i'll be cool if you'll be cool to, that's all i ask.

Herr-prof's picture is a child rapist, which is him

Okay number one i hate you herr_professer dumb ass. and two how much is it?

Here's a dumb (Q) Just how much is this cart going to cost?

12ianma wrote:

order one from kitsch lol
http://store.kitsch-bent.com/product/cl … cuit-cases

Yeah do that

Frostbyte wrote:

hey abrasive, what would I have to do to you to get one in a white cart or a translucent blue cart? ;D

You do know that you can put it in another case right?

Strike that man

Thanks, bleo, You really helped me out, I was thinking that everyone knew where to get them, I've been working to get the money to buy one i'd shit brix if i didn't get one.

And please abrasive can you tell me do you have a website where i can buy these cart's when you release them?

Please just stop screwing with me i really want this cart, Please tell how do i get it!!!!!!!!!

Is kitsch going to buy them from you? because if so i'll just buy them from his store. unless to f*cking tell how i buy them from you!!!