Hi I'm into the DIY thing also. I started out with a 130-in-1 electronics kit almost 2 years ago and my eyes quickly grew larger than my budget, haha.
Here's my Wierd Sound Generator:
A NAND photo synth:
Here's part of my Lunetta CMOS synth that the good folks at Electro-Music taught me to make:
(Little-scale's Sea-Moss pages really helped me get started, thanks dude.)
And I have some recordings at Soundcloud. http://soundcloud.com/droffset/
Some more on the flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/droffset/s
The current project is a big drum synth using PCBs from around the community. Here's the project thread, I need to update it. http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopi 200#283200
I'll stop, can go on all day about this stuff, heh.