(5 replies, posted in Past Events)

I can't seem to get it running on my windows me machine,

does anyone know of some other trackers that might work?

and possibly any tutorials on them?


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

very cool

Saskrotch wrote:
blackchip wrote:

I should have probably elaborated better,

I was trying to ask basically for help with integrating theory with LSDJ,

I understand scales and basic chord progressions,

but I'm not sure how to implement them in LSDJ.

so basically you're looking for an LSDJ tutorial, and not music theory at all

my English is very bad,

my friend just came over to type for me.

Solarbear wrote:

Okay okay okay, now that we've established that we all have our heads up our own ass...

...Musical theory is going to be very much the same on LSDJ, guitar, piano or any other instrument, as far as notation is concerned. First thing is first. Learn about Major and Minor keys. If you learn nothing else, that will be enough.

Now, as you do some research on lsdj and other forms of chiptune, you'll find that limited hardware will prevent you from actually forming chords. So, you'll have to find ways to deceive your listeners.

I'm not going to go into the details here, and just fyi, the reason a lot of these guys are giving you sarcastic remarks is that the info is pretty readily available if you do a quick forum search or look up some very basic lsdj tutorials... which you should do, actually.

Anyway, though, good luck and remember, practice is key!

and thanks for searching for the word tutorial and not being an asshat it's appreciated big_smile

Vile wrote:

Youtube has some video tutorials on how to create music in LSDJ but I've found it has a huge learning curve. The best thing I would suggest is downloading a tracker program (like fami, piggy or goat) and try learning on that first. Goattracker has a nice, PDF format, basic guide to help you get started with it. Once you've gotten the hang of a tracker on your PC/Mac it starts to get much easier on LSDJ.

thanks for the goattracker tip! :]

I should have probably elaborated better,

I was trying to ask basically for help with integrating theory with LSDJ,

I understand scales and basic chord progressions,

but I'm not sure how to implement them in LSDJ.

ilkae wrote:


there's tons of great sites out there with flash-based lessons that allow you to see/hear the concepts as they are explained.

are there any specific for LSDJ?

I've really been wondering how in the world I'm supposed to make a chord?


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

this is awesome

Aeros wrote:

this site helps quite a bit.

thank you captain obvious.

can I get some real replys please?

where do I begin?

it seems very overwhelming.


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

woah this was cool