(5 replies, posted in Releases)

I was really waiting for something new from you guys!!! Love this new album, it's beautiful!

yep... actually I'm more sad about the CDs, I really wanted that ZX Spectrum Orchestra CD, crap...

@Gingerkiwi: yeah I noticed that too, unfortunately only after I had ordered the CDs... I guess it's time to write to payal

Thanks a lot for the suggestions! I'll do just that.
Maybe I'll wait one more week, regular mail tends to be really slow from the UK to Italy. Things often took more than a month to arrive.

I recently ordered two CDs from Warm Circuit (http://www.warmcircuit.com/) one being from the ZX Spectrum Orchestra and one from the Modified Toy orchestra. The weird thing is that I never got any confirmation email (but I'm sure I ordered because my Paypal history clearly said the money went out) and over a month and a half have passed but no CDs have arrived yet. Also I've written them an email asking if they had sent the CDs and when but nobody ever replied.
So I'm wondering if anybody has any experience to share, just to know what I'm dealing with. Maybe they're just having a bad time...


(35 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Any European resellers for this one?


(34 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

@herr_prof: of course us mutable instruments fans are totally excited by that! big_smile


(34 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Guess it's still under development that's why it runs in windows.
Sounds pretty rad though!!!

@vblank: yep of course I did see the episode, though the design choice was not really a conscious one... I guess I've seen the series too many times and these things just stick to your subconscious smile

@kitsch: yes sure, here you go! The case could be made a bit more compact to tell you the truth, but I was afraid of making it too small smile
  You'll need to tweak the thing to match the size of the connectors you want to use of course.
case files download

I've finally housed the whole circuit in a new enclosure. It's not the most beautiful, but it doubles as a container for "the internet"



(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I must say that MIDI sync has been a bit shakey with Nanoloop One and the MIDI adapter. But I must admit that I haven't really tested it properly yet...

Jellica wrote:

haha this recording is emulated, i don't even own a C64

but you can get a C64 executable version here:

oh well I'm not the kind of person who looks too much at such tecnical details, it's the artistic quality of music I'm interested in, and these tracks are totally cool no matter what you made them with!
I'll run the c64 version on my commodore though... it's always a great experience!
And looking forward to the 2 SID music album! I guess that's a lot of work if you have to do the stuff separately. But then probably it wouldn't be the same if you just ran 3 instances of chipsounds VST in Ableton Live, would it?

Really, really love these! So this is just 3 SIDs playing, really?
I want a whole album of this!

Yes it's Genome.
Genome is nice... But it has a bunch of stupid limitations.
I hope they will improve on those in the next release.

Ok I have good and a bad news.
bad news is: I won't be making any PCBs
good news is: somebody else is going to make some very soon!

In the meantime, here's a lousy video of the thing in action:

If you don't want to wait for the PCBs being manufactured, you can of course make your own using  the data provided here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/498 … se_v01.zip

But there's nothing like a nice professionally made PCB!

btw. I just need to finish some small things before I can release this. Hold on there just a little bit!