The Shruthi is great at chiptune-ish sounds:

A bit off topic maybe, but the Sonic Potions LXR drum synth is also great for chiptune:

Then of course there is the SammichSID/MIDIbox SID, which is not just sounding like a C64, it's basically a c64 synth...

The Meedblip is low-fi enough to sound like a chiptune synth as well.

Some people use the small MFB analog synths like the Nanozweg and they sound quite cool indeed: … werge.html

Great discussion! I'm trying them all out one by one, I didn't know there were so many Game Boy apps around. Thanks a lot for this!


(25 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

yep, to clarify, I have a new USB 64M EMS cart. Thanks for the info!


(25 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Cool! thanks a lot! That should do the trick! smile


(25 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Finally got my EMS cart for the Game Boy! I've seen that there is quite a number of applications I can use with the Gameboy, I think I'll try them all sooner or later, but still... any suggestions on the things to try out first?

Also I've noticed that some ROMs won't work, any tips on what I should do or not do regarding this?


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

Great album! I agree great combination of styles, and great dark athmospheres!


(46 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Sometimes you read stories on the net that are so crazy/absurd/sick that you just say to yourself: "this can't be true, somebody just made that up to attract attention". Then you do some research, read other people's replies and you quickly realize, that it's all true and the world can really be a fucked up place sometimes.
But then... I always knew there was something good in chiptune and I'm really glad for you that it somehow all came to an end (hopefully with a relatively contained damage) for you!


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I't been asked before of course, here's the answer I got:
a cool shop that carries EMS USB carts for the Gameboy:
but if there's more recommended shops... I'd be interested in knowing too! smile


(6 replies, posted in Trading Post)

the two doesn't seem to be available on the nl shop

the commands might differ between the win and mac version. I only have the mac version here.
Also I never tested it with LSDJ only with Nanoloop and there it all works like a charm.

Basically if you want to sync the GB to your computer, you start nlmidi with the -sync option, so Nanoloop with receive the MIDi clock, the in Nanoloop you just set the tempo to External and there you go.

the -midi option is for progs like mGB where you want to send actual notes to the Game Boy (afaik this also works with LSDJ)

Oh and of course there is also the -receive / -send parameter that you can use to load or download data from the cart, but that doesn't have anything to do with MIDI

well it depends what you want to do, do you want to send midi from the GB to the computer?

Afaik there is no -MIDIRECEIVE command.
check the manual here:

it's either -midi or -sync or you can use -getmidi to send midi to the computer from the GB

thanks a lot for the link! Yeah orange could be nice... and I agree the Nokia vibe has a certain charme smile

Ok the Cart thing has been solved. I have ordered the EMS one for now, and will consider a Derp when I have made my mind up about LSDJ.
Now I only need one more thing (well probably a bunch of those): a backlight for the DMG!

First of all, anybody knows a good place to buy such things in Europe? Otherwise I'm considering Kitsch-bent.

and second: I'm a bit clueless about which one to pick. I don't need multiple colours, just white would be fine for me, but I'd like something that isn't too aggressive on the eyes... so any experience you can share with me?

I'm ok with doing DIY (I've soldered/drilled/glued/dremeled enough stuff in the last years I can face any type of project now I think) I'm also thinking about adding an LTC-based pitch control to one of the DMGs, since I have a board lying around.

My plan is: take an EMS for the small stuff, and a Derp for LSDJ, but I have to decide if I want to have LSDJ at all... it had been sitting in my drawer for 2 years when I still had it, it somehow never grew on me...