I loved it. Also, I never heard any failotron songs before, I need to check out some more tunes!


(20 replies, posted in Past Events)

You better be there, IAlexYD


(20 replies, posted in Past Events)

What venue will the Austin show be held at? I'm definitely coming down for this.

yeap. some real-ass shit is coming your way soon. Hopefully there will only be footage of the last song i played (as far as my set is concerned) .

really glad you guys had a good time smile


Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who participated and coming out. 1919 got some staying-alive money, our out of towners got gas money to get back home, and everyone had a good time.

With out a doubt, it was 100000000000000000000000X better than BBB1 back in 2008.

Videos and photos coming in the next week or so.


(no thanks to Naxat, who closed the show horribly.that guy won't be workin' in this town again!)

get GMAIL, sucka!

HEY retris - your email addy "failed to deliver" to you. i sent an email to everyone telling them they need to be at 1919 hemphill st. around 7:15 to help set up.



(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nestrogen wrote:
herr_prof wrote:

My favorite black metal band is living colour.

Thank you, Anal Cunt... for an abundance of amazing song titles!

Ah, is that where that "joke" came from?

Seriously, anytime black metal is mentioned, someone always says "Living Color, lolololololol" And nothing offends me more than a joke or a cultural reference that continues to be beaten to death.

A side note: I lovvveeeeveveveev black metal, and there's plenty of it out there that isn't: Racist, anti-Semitic OR militant socialist nationalist!

Reteris wrote:
naxat wrote:

July 21st

I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it guys, I was really looking forward to playing too...

we're having a repeat this saturday, the 31st wink try to make it, ok?

PixyJunket wrote:


PixyJunket wrote:

Will the live stream be saved for later viewing?

that reminds me, i should get someone to film and photograph this shit.  hmmm

Emotional Bat Man the Ride

Sievert - OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED. Thanks dude!


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

In China, Fakebit is King

Haha! Kevy! You know i'd love to see you or Dark Warriors play! Maybe for BBB3 in 2012 smile

Sievert! you got it, bro. come onnnn up