Alley Beach wrote:thanks everyone
i thought he disappeared with 8bc...
like agent shh ?
Bring back Tailsbit and Mazi kthnx
Aw man. Forgot about Agent Shhh. is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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Alley Beach wrote:thanks everyone
i thought he disappeared with 8bc...
like agent shh ?
Bring back Tailsbit and Mazi kthnx
Aw man. Forgot about Agent Shhh.
IAYD posts on Facebook pretty much every day. I just commented on something of his last night. He responded. I also sent him an email, and he responded to that. I think he's alive.
Could be a trick.
so he took apart a mario allstars cart and plugged it in the started touching contacts with a wire i think he used for circuit bending. it was hard to get any audio but it made really fucking cool visual glitches. im not sure how safe it was in retrospect but i always thought it might be a cool alternative to glitch programs for nes and since the game loads on top its really easy to access everthing and mess around.
I've circuitbent a couple of NES's directly, myself. Actually produced interesting audio glitches more than video glitches. Shit's crazy dangerous with that giant brick of a power supply, obviously...
Invisible Robot Hands wrote:Approximate relevant answer to thread question.
nope, commodore 64/128 is very very different than amiga (just made by the same company).. what you did is the equivalent to saying you use lsdj on an emulator when someone asks who uses the NES
I'm not talking about accuracy. I'm familiar with the c64's distinctions from the amiga. I was saying that I was responding in terms of alternative, within the vague ballpark "approximation" of 'early computers being used for chipmusic'. Sorry; I'm overly literal about stuff sometimes. It was a bit more like responding to, "who makes chipmusic on home consoles like the NES" with "I use lsdj and *not* the NES".
On a different note, why was I unaware of Abortifacient's non-lsdj stuff? *dives into google*
Invisible Robot Hands wrote:C64 Emulation, and also some Goattracker stuff.
Approximate relevant answer to thread question.
I dont get why you'd have to make the WAV channel sound exactly like one of the pulse channels?
I imagined having more than 4 midi channels equating to different "patches" which could use any of the 4 channels (except if another midi channel is using some of the gameboy channels at the same moment, wherby the relevant gameboy channels are stolen from the other playing midi channel)
too much use of the word channel! sorry if you dont understand.
your idea sounds good, but very similar to mGB, which you could make work like that by rerouting midi notes from one midi channel to the appropriate midi channels used by mGB (1-4), unless im missing something. thanks for the quick response!
Are you referring to the way, for example, the C64 has 3 channels of sound but they can independently act as noise channels, pulse channels, etc. etc.?
C64 Emulation, and also some Goattracker stuff.
defiantsystems wrote:Where's Reteris is the better question.
Totally! Reteris is dope.
This thread is now about chiptuners I haven't seen in a long time and have irrationally assumed are dead and buried under a pile of PIL's.
Unicorn Dream Attack
That kid is like...concentrated 11-year-old.
The Gameboy Player has randomly glitched out and reset with LSDJ for me a few times, but the ratio of working to not working is usually okay after a little fidgeting with the cart.
Everyone I've spoken to so far from B8B is fine
At PAX, Nickelpunk suggested this.
American Lit major at an expensive and hipster-y college. Planning to become a professor of American Literature and Culture. I do chip shows whenever I'm not bogged down with work, or when I can get away with slacking off for a bit. I find that actually writing chipmusic somehow sneaks its way into my weekly routine alongside eating and sleeping. I finish the week with papers written, etc. and somehow in the tiny gaps where I haven't been working, I've apparently come out of the work week with a song that's (ideally) reasonably okay.
Problem resolved itself. Mods, close pl0x
theghostservant wrote:and have monthly gatherings
Count me in.
Robes and secret handshakes. / Forums / Posts by Invisible Robot Hands