(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Dire Hit wrote:
Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

So some people prevent wraparound either with the G command, but many others just send their table to an empty table  with A (because a slower groove on the table may mess with the other stuff in your table, like arps), but today I accidentally discovered that you can actually prevent effect wraparound without forcing a perfectly good table to be empty (only tables 00-1F are useable so conservation can be crucial) by actually sending the end of a table to a table that doesn't exist, like A20. Ex: let's say you have a noise instrument that uses table 03, using the TSP column to make a "ptchooo" sound shifting downward, and you want it to hold on a certain frequency, but you don't want to waste tables by sending 03 to 04 just to hold a pitch. You can actually send table 03 to a nonexistent table and it'll sustain the pitch.

Or you could always put a H0E on the bottom of that table. Which I do both for the pun and because it has the desired effect.

Also a viable option. I suppose neither takes up any more space.

Where's the pun, though? It just spells "hoe" without any context.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

So some people prevent wraparound either with the G command, but many others just send their table to an empty table  with A (because a slower groove on the table may mess with the other stuff in your table, like arps), but today I accidentally discovered that you can actually prevent effect wraparound without forcing a perfectly good table to be empty (only tables 00-1F are useable so conservation can be crucial) by actually sending the end of a table to a table that doesn't exist, like A20. Ex: let's say you have a noise instrument that uses table 03, using the TSP column to make a "ptchooo" sound shifting downward, and you want it to hold on a certain frequency, but you don't want to waste tables by sending 03 to 04 just to hold a pitch. You can actually send table 03 to a nonexistent table and it'll sustain the pitch.


(34 replies, posted in General Discussion)

defPREMIUM wrote:
sandneil wrote:

not a fan of the anti algorithmic hate jerk here
computers r clever nd make good tunes

i've never heard an algorithmic computer music piece that i would consider good, and i've heard my fair share, but if you have recommends i would be interested

I've gotten (and heard) some really interesting stuff out of Supermagic Music Maker.


(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

MaxDolensky wrote:
Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

Anyone mention Narwhalz of Sound yet?

This guy and TheGhostServant need to collaborate. Like oh my gosh.

Make it so


(94 replies, posted in General Discussion)

DeerPresident wrote:

It's more of a basement name than a "stage" name, but whatever, I think it's still on topic.

Only kind that really matters. Chiptune was downright born for basement house shows.


(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Anyone mention Narwhalz of Sound yet?


(94 replies, posted in General Discussion)

herr_prof wrote:
Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

All herr_profs are liars.


(327 replies, posted in General Discussion)

XyNo wrote:
Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

The Gameboy Tree Adventures, by arcadecoma. is an album I've listened to since like 9th grade.

This album totally rocks !!! arcadecoma. is totally one of the biggest Underdog I know !!!
23:35 is my favorite !!!

Right? Tooootally not given enough attention.
And yeah, 23:35 is rad. What? Nothing. (the song, that is) is a jam, too.


(94 replies, posted in General Discussion)

herr_prof wrote:

Won it in a truth telling contest

All herr_profs are liars.


(177 replies, posted in General Discussion)

katsumbhong wrote:
Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

The last time this happened, TV Death Squad made some ok songs.

What's that, like one in a gazillion people.



(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

materiaxmedica wrote:

I've got a DMG that is entirely fine other than that the lens/screen guard won't stay down. 

Would anyone be so kind as to share with me what sort of adhesives you use that don't cause any damage and work well, and where I may procure them? 

Thank you~♥



(94 replies, posted in General Discussion)

My name came from a Youtube video where the guy from Classic Game Room was trying to describe the weird box art for the DMG (where those see-through metal hands were playing a gameboy in space). It was esoteric enough that nobody else would use it, and it had the silly air of a kind of failed attempt at 'badassery', which is how I kind of see the atmosphere to a lot of my songs; they're either heavy chipthrash songs juxtaposed with stupid and funny topics, or they're bouncy dance songs about getting your arm cut off. Just totally mismatched and awkward on purpose.


(327 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The Gameboy Tree Adventures, by arcadecoma. is an album I've listened to since like 9th grade.


(177 replies, posted in General Discussion)

8BitStellar wrote:

I've decided to go do something about it. I have pretty much ripped myself a new one committing treachery amongst the people of this community. As of now, I am making my own tracks, without using other people's work to claim as my own.

I am giving back what was not mine to begin with; taking the lesson of being an asshat, a digital thief, and a compulsive liar. What I did was in my opinion, unforgivable.

How to make it up to y'all i do not know. But we all make mistakes and I wish to be given a second chance to redeem myself and what little reputation I have in this community.

The last time this happened, TV Death Squad made some ok songs.


(23 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

danthalian wrote:

My little provocation has carried result  smile Discussion is going on at last smile The song is very simple, indeed, if i can remember my first tunes was a crappy shit, so keep going on, make more, more, more smile

Backpedal harder, brah.


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

We could potentially look 8BNE-ward to help out