I would just let the dude know that he's using the name of a thing that's already a thing, and then let him and Johan sort it out.

GeekParty recently did an interview with Anamanaguchi. After the Kickstarter stuff was out of the way, it got pretty goofy.

http://geekparty.com/anamanaguchi-talks … ing-teeth/

Thanks a ton for doing this, Low-Gain and GeekParty. It was a super interesting read!

boaconstructor wrote:

I'm gonna be that guy and make a meme of myself. Initiate hate sequence

In this case, it was the best course of action.

Edited: Forgot to post the image code.


Couldn't resist. Go crazy.

I feel like this "Misunderstood Chipmusician" was supposed to be a thing that was like, "Hey, remember Logan? That guy was awesome and hilarious!" However, I think it kind of derailed very quickly. I feel bad about it now.

Anyway, looking forward to the final part of the interview.

low-gain wrote:
boaconstructor wrote:

Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you:

"Misunderstood Chipmusician"

You sir are a fucking asshole.

Dude. I feel so bad now. I fucking love Logan.

Oh dear. Look what you've started!

Do you have a link to this character you've created? I think we all need access to it...

Edit: Found it.


Go nuts.

This thread got completely silent, as everyone rushed off to memegenerator to find the brand new "Misunderstood Chipmusician" character...

egr wrote:

Can't not do these.

SO. Fucking. Good!!!

boaconstructor wrote:

Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you:

"Misunderstood Chipmusician"

Edit: Sadface...

The photo of Logan playing his GBA SP in the foliage is awesome.

Updated. The part about the 8bc ban is live. I guess tomorrow will be about "Low-Gain’s post-8bc musical endeavors" and it looks like that is the final part of the interview.

Updated. Part 3 is now live. Looks like we'll have to wait one more day to read about the 8bc ban, but Part 3 looks at the Jose cart scandal a little bit, which is pretty interesting.