I really liked it smile It doesn't remind me of anything else and seems unique to me, and it's a very nice relaxing tune big_smile


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

I enjoyed the whole album, obviously some tunes more than others, but it's good smile I'm not sure which one is my favourite maybe 4FUNK5 or it could be L#R+Select+A+B...maybe even another one, hmm I don't know yet big_smile


(18 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

seems to be a problem that we are all experiencing today? I'm getting the error as well

NUCLACE wrote:

I don't know why you'd love this

haha, well that is on youtube, not on chipmusic.org big_smile

To everyone who has been commenting, thank's a lot for the feedback smile I will keep exploring LSDJ and experimenting with my sound, keeping in mind what you guys have said, and hopefully I will be able to make something that people will be happy to listen to, just like I love listening to the the stuff on here.
I know that asking for feedback in this way might not be the best way to go at it, but I would like to become a part of chiptune, and I wasn't sure if I was taking the right steps and where to go.

Oh and by the way, I haven't studied music or anything like that, but I would like to learn more to help me improve and to understand things better. Do any of you know of some good material to read, like maybe an ebook, and maybe have suggestions as for which topics it might be good to read about.

Could you please tell me a bit more about why you didn't enjoy them? would be very useful to me if you told me why you don't like them, thanks smile

Edit: Ah I see you just edited you post smile Well is that the whole reason? I have not yet really discovered my chiptune music genre, so I feel you hit spot on with that comment tbh.

hehe, sorry smile I went to bed yesterday after posting this and seeing that a lot had happened on the forum since then I was wondering - being ready for the worst, as the only thing that will really benefit me is if people actually point out what is bad etc.
Thanks for the comment and thanks for the tips. On my first two songs I didn't know how to make a kick, so Boring days go by, and Lost in the Mall are made with the samples, which you noticed as well (not that is it hard) on Sunny behind the Clouds however I did try to create my own kick by editing the synth etc. which can also be heard.
But thanks, it helps and I will keep working on it smile

no one wants to give me their opinion? I don't know if that means what I've made is bad or what, but I would really like to know. The truth isn't going to bring me down.thanks

Hey guys!
I'm pretty new to chiptune, but I have just finished some of my first work in LSDJ. Being completely new to LSDJ I keep learning new things and I believe this can be heard from what I've made so far.
When i've started creating a song I may feel good about it in the beginning, but as I keep adding and changing and trying to improve the track I find that I sometimes get tired of how it sounds (like finding it too repetitive, or boring) and I may even feel that I have learned so much since I started on a given track that I don't really like it anymore.
Anyways to get to the point - I would like some feedback on the stuff that I have created so far.
Here's the link: www.browk.bandcamp.com

Would love to get some feedback, thanks!