as far as i know, nobody has heard ANYTHING from him from almost 2 years now
Okay. Don't kill him anymore, please. is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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as far as i know, nobody has heard ANYTHING from him from almost 2 years now
Okay. Don't kill him anymore, please.
BR1GHT PR1MATE wrote:albino ghost monkey at blip 09 (RIP)
Yeah, what's this "RIP" business? Has anyone heard from him? Sorry to change the thread's subject, but it's worth asking because so many of us are wondering how Dise is doing after having gone M.I.A. in November 2010.
Cute! I just wish that you'd gotten rid of the VH1 logo; it's distracting. Oh, and I didn't see the elephant wearing a headdress! I'm glad the Pope John Paul II impersonator is gone, though. That was just embarrassing.
martin_demsky wrote:I am wondering if there is some interest in BLIP FESTIVAL in Central Europe, i am from Slovak republic (also called heart of Europe) and Tokyo or New York is far-far away from me. [...]
What's a Slovak republic?
In 100 years the citizens of Earth will learn that World War 3 was sparked by a comment on
C W ' P
"End If" by Neil Voss
"sylcmyk's theme" by sylcmyk
Listen to more crashfaster, 6955, sylcmyk, Neil Voss and Cheap Dinosaurs.
Saskrotch wrote:i blame the gramercy theatre
actually.... i really wouldnt be surprised if this was the reason
That's not the reason. Blip made it through four Winters, two blizzards and a jellyfish invasion in Aalborg, Denmark before the Gramercy Theatre. <):'p
Google led me to the GIMP site which says that "None" under "Interpolation" equals Photoshop's "Nearest Neighbor":
I'll let you Google the one <):'p
Like this:
This is the original size, 256x240
If I enlarge it 400%, it comes close to my imaginary 24"x18" picture frame (it's 1024x960 now)
Go to Image → Image Size...
You'll see that it's 14.222"x13.333", quite a ways from 24"x18".
So enlarge the canvas to 24.25"x18.25" because you'll want the color to reach the edges of the page when it comes time to print. I chose black under "Canvas Extension Color" because it matches the original screenshot's background color, but you can choose whatever you want.
And there you go; it's ready to print. Just make sure that the printer doesn't resize to fit the page otherwise the image will be slightly reduced and blurry. / Forums / Posts by minusbaby