(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

heosphoros, hate this 8======D

NESTEREO by iloveui, on Flickr

i can do some help here, but seens like you guys already have the logo done?. Let me know guys. I can do some test this or next week, im kinda busy! sad


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

it has some delay! :S... about 300ms? could be? or is my machine?


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

you say spam i say YES

TEMPLE by iloveui, on Flickr

PIÑATA by iloveui, on Flickr

done!, hope you get the goal smile

Small update with few blogs and galleries.

@Tristendo, thx for the link/fix big_smile
@Mierdisky, gracias!, la idea es tenerla en un solo sitio (aunque) ya la lista se esta poniendo enorme y creo que un poco excesiva! jajaja


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

RATATATA by iloveui, on Flickr

oh also

OWL II by iloveui, on Flickr

spam again

XYNO (LOGO) by iloveui, on Flickr

I also have this one <troll>

i have the rainbow version and it sounds loud and also has an extra channel!... how awesome is that? <troll detected>

Local newpaper talking about the workshop
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= … amp;type=1

so, this is finally out??????????????????????????????? heart to much love to handle!

What plataform?, because grafx2 actually can do that, as far as i remember, and it works in mostly any kind of OS.

no idea, search on google "the ship.png + 8bc + pixel art"
or something like that, i dont recognize the artist

heart thx guys for supporting my pixels big_smile specially mister KB, aka Matt