Yep dropbox works just fine, and you have 2gb for hosting files, so XDDD... more than enough for pixelart. About the size, i think that size is just fine. I barely have huge pixelart, but that's probably because i'm scare of the sizes! XDD
About the lines, well you just did it with your last CAT
, so...
Terbografx wrote:
I'm gonna show you how i do it. This little "tute" will explain what i mean. It's not the best tutorial ever, but here we go...

Step 1: Just a basic lineart
Step 2: Cleaning the lineart. Check the curves.
Step 3: Adding colors
Step 4: Adding a shadow in the head and making the lines inside a bit softer
Step 5: Make the outline a bit softer
Step 6: Adding texture and more volume and also AA
Step 7: Check than that AA don't work over black background, so you have to think the final result before do any AA.
You can also have no black border at all, but depend of what youre looking for. Same as the textures and AA. Don't be shy with the dithering/texturing.
AA = Anti-alias
Grab the file