(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

@ilkke!, nice to see moar pixels from you around here! :DDDD
@andrio, neaat, remind me a bit that 3d game! (dont remember the game)
@8-bit-rex, the gray on the scissor man looks strange in the outline. In general they look a bit dirty, but just my opinion anyway! tongue

now is my time to spam?, yes

HIPSTER VAMPIRE by iloveui, on Flickr


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

ilkke appear with that cream!!! thx man! :DDDD loving that so much /me is exited in secret

Btw, guys you should get into this!
http://www.pixeljoint.com/2012/07/23/38 … Part_2.htm

The first one was EPIC, with NASTY result. Im defenly trying that this year!!...


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

KeFF wrote:

it sux!!!... boths the pixelart and the name!!!... XDDDDDD
looks delicious!!!!, want moar pixels from FFEK!!!!

minusbaby wrote:

Johan Kotlinski


(25 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

i hate boths, end of story. <trollface> - nice that they will update that tracker.

if you have some bucks for me i can do it smile - www.iloveui.com


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

minusbaby wrote:

Nice *.JPG, ui. tongue

AY MAMÁ kakakakaka.... THAT MAKE LAUGH SO HARD.... because of this...

sorry about that... is just flickr sad(( cant do shit about it... but if you look at the flickr you will find the PNG big_smile

thx for the comments big_smile i will upload moar soon i suppose


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

ASTRONAUTA by iloveui, on Flickr

@terbografx, well np big_smile... im glad than that helped you. Another advice will be, check what other artists are doing. See the details that some artists add, how they manage the colors, how they use the textures, the sizes of the pieces, etc.... I recomend http://www.pixeljoint.com and http://www.wayofthepixel.net
And the best advice is... practice big_smile... practice and practice... this will improve anything you decide to do.

Yep dropbox works just fine, and you have 2gb for hosting files, so XDDD... more than enough for pixelart. About the size, i think that size is just fine. I barely have huge pixelart, but that's probably because i'm scare of the sizes! XDD

About the lines, well you just did it with your last CAT tongue, so...

Terbografx wrote:

I'm gonna show you how i do it. This little "tute" will explain what i mean. It's not the best tutorial ever, but here we go...

Step 1: Just a basic lineart
Step 2: Cleaning the lineart. Check the curves.
Step 3: Adding colors
Step 4: Adding a shadow in the head and making the lines inside a bit softer
Step 5: Make the outline a bit softer
Step 6: Adding texture and more volume and also AA
Step 7: Check than that AA don't work over black background, so you have to think the final result before do any AA.

You can also have no black border at all, but depend of what youre looking for. Same as the textures and AA. Don't be shy with the dithering/texturing.

AA = Anti-alias
Grab the file


This thread doesn't apply to Brazil, sorry.

What about venezuela. we are like 5 ppl. XD

nice joke btw! tongue

the lines looks a bit rough, specially the black outline and shadows. Other that that, try moar moar... and of course PLEASE dont use JPG for pixel art, youre distroying it by doing that! tongue

I'm gonna xplain this a bit so haters can undestand our love! XD

He is a guy who SELL electronic stuff or computer parts in a place where you find EVERYTHING, like a mini-market. He decide to make a video of that "geek-nerd" stuff with his first video called "Te voy a dar un byte" - which means I will give you a bite (http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/4879/ … cheaptoon/)

Not just that, he seens to increased his sales thx to that video and of course he is now "popular" around the internet. His lyrics are full of DOUBLE MEANING with technology, geek-nerd stuff and love/sex without being vulgar.

Maybe that don't xplain the love to that kind of stuff, but... for me is not just the music (which is ok to me), is about the guy/personality. He has the "BALLZ" to do a video about that kind of stuff and not just that """"HE SING"""" and has awesome lyrics. If i compare this lyrics with some pop artists and reggaton, he will defenly will own them.
In less words, this is about "do what you like most"


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Vote with a like if you like my pixelart version - http://freak.com.ve/fb/megafonzo/fonzo/galeria.php

Fonzo Pixelado by iloveui, on Flickr

will he be in the next blip??



(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

so here is another from my pocket

SOMBRERO BIP-BOP by iloveui, on Flickr