(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Few info added in #comments and new artists, videos and game. Moar zoooon smile

Hey, probably not what youre looking for but....I do have pixelart posters, made by me with my pixels...
They are printed in fabrik with really good quality if you want any, just let me know wink

I have a series of 3 comming soon with limited numbers of them. The size will be about 50x70 cms. I can also print any of my pixels in custom size and pixelart.  (max: 1.45 width x any size in meters)

The posters size is something between, 12$ to 35$, depend on the size. Also, shipping is really cheap, should be about 5 to 15$ max (to japan)

http://www.flickr.com/photos/iloveui/se … 620373822/

Here the details of the posters

POSTER ZOOMED by iloveui, on Flickr



There are many good apps for pixelart. I personally recomend theses...

Graphic Gale

Of course there are more, but those are my fav when youre creating pixelart. You can find them all here
http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/4103/ … d-related/



(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

ilkke, nice to see that work around here! :DDDD

ultramega, really nice!!! :DDD i dislike a bit the palette and the low contranst you have in the colors, but it looks awesome aswell big_smile

some of you guys already probably saw this, but...

OWL by iloveui, on Flickr

thats so pro and sexy man!!!! i wish i have the time to learn how to do that!!!, nice stuff!

there are few pixelarts that appear from, ilkke, snake, paul robertson and minusbaby, of course. I think there are more, but i dont recognize the ppl

Paul Robertson: 0:20
Snake: 1:19
Ilkke: 1:43
Minusbaby: 2:44

and i cant recognize the others, sorry about my ignorance! XD

i will add to the list, later!, enjoy!

Added few links and also fixed few things. Organized others and blah blah!...

massive big_smile


(8 replies, posted in Releases)


This is one of my fav oldschool artists! big_smile... is great to know "he is back"


(5 replies, posted in Atari)

the video is kind of cool! jajjajaja.....

emfedex wrote:

blip festival videos - complete show | all 24 performances:

A W E S O M E big_smile

kitsch wrote:
ui wrote:

does anyone take any pic of the merch at the kitsch-bent store?, i would love to see them! plxtor! big_smile

i took some pictures, i'll get you some when i've found the memory cards tongue

i did take some of the banner and shirt though.  for sure.

hehehe, thx man! :DDD... i saw a couple of pics already, but want to see moar! jajaj... and i also saw pics from the other shops, the place was HUGE as far as i can see in the pics!... awesome!!!... i need to get into a BLIP for real!!

does anyone take any pic of the merch at the kitsch-bent store?, i would love to see them! plxtor! big_smile


(46 replies, posted in Releases)

im glad you guys liked! big_smile i loved this music!!!! boths mix are ACE.

If anyone else is having problems with the FLASH, let us know plz big_smile