not mine but...

oh noes, sorry for this multi-post... my connection goes stupid sometimes, is there is anyway to delete this and the other duplicated post?

not mine but...

Few links and new organizacion, similar to this … -wip-list/

Added few tools, fixed few text, added a new section called MUSIC VIDEOS AND RELATED and few other links.

If you have anything who is not in the list, post it! big_smile i will add it...

keep goign! big_smile... i wanna play this when is finished!


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Added few artists. Some of them are unorganized


(0 replies, posted in Past Events)

This time, have a new type of compo, is the first Summer Chip, read description.

12 formats over 3 weeks, some new ones too!

BotB is forcing BotBrs to try some new things. New formats include SNES, Genesis, and PC Engine - a whole lot of 16bit! The cover art for Summer Chip is also one of the formats! Also, BotB honors the memory of Radek (Raster) Sterba with a dual-pokey format as featured in his Raster Music Tracker.

See you there guys big_smile


(15 replies, posted in Trading Post)

oh yaaa finally is out! :DDDDD neatoooooo gg Keff, but i think you already know that! :X

Lossy wrote:

It's up to you what you add, I am "more content the better" rather than just a select bunch.

Awesome, im up to add some stuff there :X once is up. I'm part of the "botb family", that's why i ask. I will probably be adding information about sites/artist that "nobody care much about". Since there are MANY good artists at botb and around that have and havent release music disc but has great music.  This site will be EPIC big_smile, thx again

how did i miss this delicious master piece! :OOOOOOOO

Low Tide is my favorite so far!!!! the voice in that song fix so well
and my second favorite is Cluck, "hippie happy pogo time!!!"

really really thx for your music big_smile

awesome (acutally is down cuz of matain), but... im lookign forward to this...

You guys are thinking to add more Netlables.websites???, like Ubik, mp3death, botb, etc????
pretty nice and laborious thumbs up for you guys

Nathan, es bueno oírte cantando en tus canciones!
El album en general es "bastante obscuro", es decir, tiene sonidos de obscuridad y acecho en las melodías y los beats.

Lucid tiene un beat muy "malandro" (daredevil or kind of...), de verdad que es mi favorita big_smile y entra en mi lista imaginaria de favoritas del año.

Increíble EP, de verdad, sobretodo porque le agregaste las voces como me habías dicho, me encantaría oír estas y algunos clásicos en vivo!!! :XXXX

all n00bz!!!


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Redguy & Pixelkabum

i can exchange you for my pixels if you want :DDDD what you think?
Also, i would LOVE to have my website instead of my LOGO/NAME XDDD cuz is small :X..... (remember to sign it!!!)

BUT, before anything, just let me know if you would like to do some exchange... i dont want you to work "for free"