(18 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Video please.


(24 replies, posted in Releases)

viciousitaly wrote:

absolutely bonkers, my god. waka flocka samples on "too turnt" made me weep for joy.

The video that they're from honestly made me cry from laughing the first time I saw it.

stargazer wrote:

Vice just posted an article on this guy, if anyone is interested.


That was actually really moving in a strange way.


(44 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Monotron wrote:

I feel the best criticism for this album, that keep in mind I loved and ordered the physical copy of, was some of the tracks weren't cohesive and that it felt like a bit of a mixed bag of tracks. But overall I thought, even to someone of the chiptune community, the sound design was great. There isn't a whole lot of chiptune trap other than boa constructor and dire hit, and he certainly nailed the sound. Also I always love IAYD's wav channel instruments because they always sounds gritty and heavy. I thought it could have benifitted from having some of the tracks removed or replaced though.

Yay I got mentioned


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'd love a "CMO who's online section" blue.

I highly recommend reading the LSDJ manual, every time I go through it I figure out something new. The part on how the envelope works is going to be most helpful for this particular problem.

http://www.littlesounddj.com/lsd/latest … _4_6_6.pdf

Victory Road wrote:
herr_prof wrote:

Dont forget you can use d commands to retard the notes

i'm offended by this

because, like, isn't a retardation when a non-chord tone resolves upwards?

First time I've laughed today, thanks.

Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

My lsdsng files are usually just tons and tons of brief ideas in one-phrase chains, all decked out all over the screen, to be triggered in any combination I want (yes, if the bpm is fast enough, this is stressful as fuck but I like it that way). I describe my song files as "skeleton files" because when you load them up, you don't really get a song, just a bunch of bare bones snippets of beats/basslines/etc that kinda have to be arranged live or there's no song (or if I start live-moding and leave it on, it'll just loop the same 2 seconds forever which is basically still having no song)

LSDJ can be pretty damned live if you compose your files to be demanding enough. Also practicing at home before shows  = being able to a.) be live and b.) get physically involved while doing so.

I'm the other way around with songwriting. If I don't get structure down during the writing process I'll end up having ideas so scattered that nothing is cohesive. Probably my ADD.

Example: an FL trap song I've been working for the last week is a monument to my indecision. I can't decide between 2 instrumental tracks that I can't get to work together so the drum track is designed to fit both 'songs' and I just mute one or the other depending on my mood when I'm working.

Also, a lot of my phrases are one-ofs used for a specific effect at one moment in the song. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

egr wrote:

All about that clean sound and unlimited storage space, ya feel me?

That's how I imagine regular producers talk.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Jansaw wrote:

Glad to see that "I don't care" prevailed over "hardware is an absolute must"

Spending too much time scrutinizing someone's setup is a great way to be really boring at a show.

Live mode isn't the only way to perform. I think the best shows I've been to have been LSDJ DJ sets, with very little alteration of the songs. Channel mute/solo and changing instrument properties can be enough as long as your transitions are killer and you hype everyone up. It also sucks when the performer doesn't look like they're having all that much fun, and live mode takes a lot of concentration.

I personally keep things interesting by making edits of my songs beforehand, doing fun remixes, and playing lots of unreleased material.


(14 replies, posted in General Discussion)


1. Become facebook friends with musicians you admire
2. Strike up facebook conversations with musicians you admire
3. Receive unreleased songs


(14 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Void Argument wrote:

Got any rare chip music that isn't available anymore or extremely hard to find for one reason or another?

I've got "Make U Wanna" by Sabrepulse (ft. Infinity Shred), as well as "Cuddle Me" by Henry Homesweet.

Half of me made this topic for fun and half made this cuz I'm late to the Spamtron party and I can't find his songs featured on DJ Cutman's TWIC 069 T_T https://soundcloud.com/djcutman/twic069 (Delusion is so amazing!!! 11/10 stars)
Lol, anyone willing to send those to me if you have them? XD

Can you put make u wanna on dropbox or something? I loved that song but went away with no computer access for a while. When I came back it was gone.


(29 replies, posted in Collaborations)

JodyBigfoot wrote:

https://soundcloud.com/helgeland8bitsqu … tore-skank

Theres my first draft!

note the super minimal drop in the middle

If that was supposed to be a private link, you have to go to the "share" bit to get it to work. Otherwise 404'd


This was really really fun. Really proud of the hihats.


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Crashmast wrote:
BeatScribe wrote:

Apparently it's great with Vodka, never tried...

Honestly, though, what ISN'T great with Vodka?



(14 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I just went straight to goattracker because I'm hardcore. /s