I'm loooking clock mod kit more specificly, one with a knob to adjust the speeds

hey guys, I'm looking to buy a crystal oscillator but can't find any websites that have them in stock if someone could post me a site that does have them in stock I will love you for forever. If you can dump some of your favourite sites to buy from that would be appreciated aswel.


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

thank Kitsch! I'll check out your store tomorrow


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

thanks Kitsch, I checked out thursdaycustoms.com and it would cost me roughly $150 to get what I want which is a bit pricey :L plus it would take between 20-30 days to get here and I don't want to wait any longer then 3 weeks max. I have 2 questions for you, how much will you roughly charge for the product you'll be selling and how long does it take to ship to Australia on average?


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

dump what you're selling and I'll inbox you if I'm interested. I live in Australia btw.

Ideal gameboy:
.dmg 01
.pitch/clock mod
.1/4 inch jack
.custom case