(188 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Just got mine!!!
Thank you so much KeFF. I hope you bring to reality something similar soon again. This is awesome : D
Also thank you for the "extra stuff" ; ))

(The postman couldn't guess my adress either LOL)


(188 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I still haven't got mine : (


(59 replies, posted in Trading Post)

It is 5v.
You should check this:

http://blog.gg8.se/wordpress/2009/07/22 … ge-ranges/


(59 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Just received mine this morning!

Stupid but handy fact: It fits on the empty batteries compartment! : D

I also have to point out that while it introduces quite a bit of noise on the speaker, I can't notice the difference when using the pro-sound or stock line-out.

Cool thing you've done, luftek. Keep on it ; )


(59 replies, posted in Trading Post)

4th you mean : )
Wonderful web! I asked for GB schematics a while ago and only got stupid answers. Thanks!


(188 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I should have sent you mine in capital letters... xD


(188 replies, posted in Trading Post)

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:

I got no mail so Im assuming mine is on their way too. Yay!

Only southern-Spain adresses are alien ; )


(59 replies, posted in Trading Post)

The first link is not working, can you fix it?
But yes, that was the idea. I didn't know there were specific ICs for battery charging. Thanks! : )


(59 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Now that I'm thinking (while waiting for mine to arrive):

Would it be possible to charge rechargeable batteries by plugging the DMG with the batteries inside to the USB?


(188 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hahaha no worries. Next time ^^


(188 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I've just answered!

The cheapest one, even if you're in Europe is probably Kitsch. I'm also European and after a lot of researching, that's what I concluded.


(59 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Then it's mine : )


(59 replies, posted in Trading Post)

It says preorder on the blog, but if I get one now is it still the one in stock?

Cool tutorial!
I would say it'd be good if you talked a bit slower, specially when you're explaining things related to the process itself.
Apart from that, nice : ) I'll suscribe rightaway.

Glitch Militia wrote:


Is it possible to do what I'm saying with just an Arduinoboy?