My ideal one should give an interface like nanoloop 2.
Has multiple system built it : gb/sms/genesis/opl2/opl3/other, advanced sample editor.
Give the same kind of power that a Elektron md, monomachine, octatrack and analog 4 give.

I will maybe take ten years more to build it, but this will be my ideal advanced step sequencer.
I may have too much hope, but maybe one day I will be able to create this.


(80 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hi Rot,

Just a suggestion, release it even if nobody can compile it.
You can allways clean it up when it will be on git and you will have a lot of interest from the community which will push it on the right direction.
And on the sync side, there will be some smart guy from chipmusic which will help you, i'm sure.
This is allways difficult to test everything and when the source is here everyone will dig it : remember, there is no gba tracker and a lot of people really want one.




(336 replies, posted in Sega)

Yes it's really fun.

What I have think so far is how should we create the structure of the song, chain, pattern, note, instrument with "c struct" in a smart way.
I don't know how the right way this should be handled.
But here is my thought so far.

There is  :
- a song structure : 6 channel YM2612 and 4 channel SN76489, and each channel should have 0x7f "short" value for the song, so 1,280 byte of memory used ;
- a chain structure : 16 entry for each chain, and each is a short of 0x7f, so 16 byte ;
- a pattern : 16 entry of note from 0 to 88, so short value, 16 byte ;
- an instrument is maybe, naively, don't know exactly 80 byte of memory and there could be 0x7f of instrument available.

So this way, it took : 10*128*16*16*80*128 => 3GB of memory, not much smile
Mhhhh don't think the 64KB of ram will be enough it's just enough for my laptop smile
What seem to be reasonable, is to use 32KB of memory not much for the whole structure, so there is a need to create a well made structure which will hold just the needed things.

What kind of structure have you used to store all of this in your tracker ?
Linked list ?


(257 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Ok, so I have build a version with the last toolchain from here :
I've used my opendingux build without modification, I have just changed the compiler.
We will see if it works wink

Just put the zip on your memory card, and unzip the file.
Launch the file "PatternPlayer.gcw" from your memory card, it may work. …



(257 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

I'm not able to test it myself, because I don't own one.
I think it should build really easily, if you are interested in can double check the compiler toolchain.
And if I remember well there is an emulator which could help me to try a bit.
So you have a zero and you are able to test two or three build ?
If you are okay I may be able to send you a binary in two or three week I think.
There will be the same feature as the psp, because I don't think the zero could handle cursynth, open303 and definitely not twytch.
But the psp is now really good, I play with it and it's fun.

Tell me if it's okay for you and I download the toolchain.


(336 replies, posted in Sega)

It works !!!!
And yes, IIRC internet access is near mandatory to compile gendev.
It took four hours on my slow laptop to build it sucessfully.
This tutorial had help me to make the helloworld : … g-started/
And I've a working helloworld which bring a rom which works with dgen, so real cool.
Basicaly, before reaching main, it does this :
- set default values for each VDP register
- clean Video RAM
- load 4 default palettes : grey, red, green and blue
- load a default font for your text print need
- init input handling
- reset sound and music
- load a default sound driver ("2 channels PCM sample" driver in SGDK 0.7)

#include <genesis.h>

int main()
    VDP_drawText("Hello World!", 10, 13);

    return (0);

Now, I'm ready to start things and I will begin with simple things.
Moving text, understand keypad input.

Here is where I put my hello world skeleton. … helloworld

It's fun smile

@dualitymicro : you use the volca beats and key in your track am i right ?


(336 replies, posted in Sega)

I've try to build gendev.
Now I need to understand how to make an hello world with it.
Do you use it, it seem to be the sgdk for unix.
Great to hear improvement on the sound driver.
But what kind of facility does it provide ?

Tested on gba with the good old supercard sd.
Works fine, and it's really fun, I think the sample are well choosen.
What is needed :
- a key repeat for the keypad ;
- when your cursor is at the most left return automatically to the right, same thing for the cursor on the right ;
- change sample volume, could be global for a channel ;

This could be a real tools if you can inject sample in the roms easilly or fetch them from the mass storage FAT filesystem.
Hope you will release the source on github or drop it on your google drive, because I like this kind of stuff, really.

Great I will test it, I like the idea.
And please make it syncable with nanoloop 1.x, 2.x because it will add lots of opportunity.
And share the source on GitHub too.


(336 replies, posted in Sega)

Yes, I agree working without internet connection is really difficult.
Glad to know you have idea for managing the 64KB of ram efficiently.
I will need to read some doc to understand the memory, the IO subsystem, and how the two cpu communicate it will be the hard part for me because when I work with multiple processor and numa node, it is handled by linux for me.
So lot of thing to understand smile
Hope you will have your internet access soon.


(257 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Don't hesitate to tell me what you like, what you hate on the sound side and the GUI.


(336 replies, posted in Sega)

When you have a full feature helloworld with c and asm on the 68k and z80 with the right toolchain I will be more than happy to help you on whatever.
I work on Debian, with emacs, gcc and git.
I've done some i386 dos asm so I think it could help me on the asm part.


(336 replies, posted in Sega)

Hi Countsymphony,

It's great you come back.
I'm able to write c code and if you are seeking developper i will be more than happy to help.
Do you have already your idea on the design of the code and the target toolchain ?
I will be more than happy to work with you on this tracker and learn a bit of 68k and z80.
Your last demo was full of bug on the gui side, but it was a real pleasure to play with a native genesis tracker.
It's a shame you have lost the source...

Great news you came back !!!

One thing that help me a lot is writing music with four track.
I write the four pattern which play together, small pattern.
Then I change one of the four, then a second one.
This is one of my section : part a,b,c,intro,outro,whatever.
Then I modify another one of the four ( i keep the three other part ) it give me another section.
Then a third one and a I conitinue this way.
I doesn't use the stop button. Never, because it break my imagination.

It give me more control of myself on how I can write stuff.
I'm not able to write a song with different part in my mind, it just doesn't work for me.
Lgpt, nanoloop and LSDJ  are good at this because you can write track mute, change part without the STOP button.

The other thing I use to write melody is a simple midi keyboard and when my part are well I play with the keyboard directly in a 'no pattern' mode.


(257 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Hi Guys,

Here is a new version which contain mostly bug/display fix and sound improvement.
The PSP and Dingoo version seem to be fine, so I upload the 0.63.
The PSP sound really smoother on PBSynth and I really enjoy it and if you have a PSP, double check it, it's really nice I think.
There is also a windows build, I need to double check it.

Here is the download link : …


EDIT   : on windows use the PatternPlayer_SDL.exe binary, the other one seem to be buggy
EDIT2 : to change pattern speed diviser, enter the BPM menu, and use "left ALT"
EDIT2 : to read the README.txt use wordpad on windows
EDIT3 : I think the PSP bug was linked to an internal segfault in the code and I think I have workaround it : bug found by kid versus chemical