Yes it's really fun.
What I have think so far is how should we create the structure of the song, chain, pattern, note, instrument with "c struct" in a smart way.
I don't know how the right way this should be handled.
But here is my thought so far.
There is :
- a song structure : 6 channel YM2612 and 4 channel SN76489, and each channel should have 0x7f "short" value for the song, so 1,280 byte of memory used ;
- a chain structure : 16 entry for each chain, and each is a short of 0x7f, so 16 byte ;
- a pattern : 16 entry of note from 0 to 88, so short value, 16 byte ;
- an instrument is maybe, naively, don't know exactly 80 byte of memory and there could be 0x7f of instrument available.
So this way, it took : 10*128*16*16*80*128 => 3GB of memory, not much 
Mhhhh don't think the 64KB of ram will be enough it's just enough for my laptop 
What seem to be reasonable, is to use 32KB of memory not much for the whole structure, so there is a need to create a well made structure which will hold just the needed things.
What kind of structure have you used to store all of this in your tracker ?
Linked list ?