Hi people,
I got my nanoloop MIDI-USB-Adapter and used it to update nanoloop to 1.6.3 without the custom scrolling "hello" logo. That worked just fine.
Then I tried loading mGB onto one of the two 32k-spaces, and it's not working. I thought it was supposed to be.
What I did:
Download the latest mGB version 1.3.0
run ./nlmidi02 -send mGB1_3_0.gb in terminal on the Mac running 10.8.2
press Select + B on the Game Boy and Enter on the computer, then wait for the transfer.
What happened:
after 32k of the 64k were transferred the game boy started mGB automatically. (I read that the upper 32k of the ROM are empty so this should not be a problem) BUT ... in mGB I don't see the full interface that I see in an emulator like Gambatte. Instead I get this:

The top row where the xx for the octave usually is scrolls through all the characters. Quickly on the first character of the pairs and after each cycle of the first character through the charset the second character of the pairs also increases by one ("C" in the photo, was "B" shortly before).
What I tried next (all resulting in the same behavior as above):
Restarting the Game Boy with and without the link cable connected and pressing B again to start mGB.
Sending the ROM to B again.
Re-inserting the cartridge after blowing in the slot, then sending the ROM to B again.
Disconnecting and reconnecting the USB dongle, then sending the ROM to B again.
Sending the ROM to A instead of B.
Just to complete the report, this is the commandline-output which looks like a successful transfer to me
schrein:nlmidi_02_osx mostinterestingman$ ./nlmidi02 -send mGB1_3_0.gb
nanoloop MIDI adaptor found
nanoloop MIDI adaptor found
Loaded Game Boy ROM: mGB1_3_0.gb
In the nanoloop boot screen,
press SELECT + START or A or B,
then press ENTER here.
64k of 64k sent... done.
schrein:nlmidi_02_osx mostinterestingman$
Is this a known problem?
Does it mean either the MIDI-USB adapter or my nanoloop cartridge is broken?
Can it be a wonky link cable? (though the result is reproducable)
Or am I missing something crucial here?