Jellica wrote:

What attracts you to Nintendos consoles in particular? There are lots of other options beyond Nintendo (and FL!!)

I just like how it sounds so sharp and poignant. It's like the limitations of the system forces you to be creative. Also, the gameboy is just such an iconic symbol.

kitsch wrote:

why not use a calculator as your medium?

I've never heard of any tracking programs for the ti-84, I'll have to look into that XD

Thanks for responding, this seems like a nice community.

I've been listening to chipmusic my entire life, but I finally want to start making some. I feel more gravitated towards using a gameboy than just Famitracker or FL, because it reminds me of calculator programming, which is one of my greatest hobbies. So, how much can I expect to spend to get a good setup for LSDJ?

My research has given me a total of $160 (126 euros). Is this a fair amount? I don't really care too much about bells and whistles.
Is it possible to make chiptunes on an unmodified gameboy?