Limitbreak wrote:

Ok guys, I apologize in advance but I'm going to need a little bit of spoon feeding here. I've been looking at NES flash carts and I've been entertaining the idea of experimenting with Pulsar (admittedly because it's reportedly similar to LSDJ) but I read that Pulsar doesn't have a save function? How does that work? And do these carts have the ability to save files...?

I think I'm missing something here.

EDIT: I've found the right boards. Now to research Pulsar some more.

Pulsar does save your song data by virtue of the battery backed ram. You don't do any thing, the cart just remembers the current state of your data when you turn off your NES.
The Kazzo allows access to this Ram so you can save and  transfer the bin image to an emu or another cart.

In my first post I mentioned that I was having a problem with Nestopia and dumped .sav files.
The problem was in the script that is used by the Anago.exe software for wram access. This software package is from the original Japanese project, so there is a language issue with the docs.
What I saw was: I could download and upload the Pulsar 32K wram.sav fine, but this bin would not play correct in Nestopia.
After looking at the script I reasoned that it was using an even/odd access to the 4 wran banks: bank 0,2,1,3. This may be needed else where but doesn't work with Nestopia!?!
So I changed the order to 0,1,2,3 which I guess is the manor that Nestopia saves the wram. Work great!!!
Not sure how to host my modded script file, but will find a solution asap!
EDIT: here is a how-to … mp;start=0

stargazer wrote:

Thanks for that reply yogi. I'll probably pick up just the cart for now. It's insane how little this costs.

Is the flasher software cross platform at all, or just windows? Will I be missing out a ton if I just want this for Pulsar?

Right now INL's is up to Win 7, but there is a port to linux. There is a very long thread @ for the Kazzo and the flash carts,

Limitbreak wrote:
Analog wrote:

yeah,  I'm on the web page and don't really know what I'm buying, LOL.

We need some spoonfeeding. I just want the kazoo and a ready to go pulsar cart. Really don't know which combo to buy.

Care to elaborate? thanks in advance for your time guys.

I believe that's the right page man.

Very good. I should have been clear.
goto the "MMC1 CHR-RAM Option" on the drop down list pick the SXROM option (only one choice for SXROM).
With this board you can supply you own flash chip or add the Upgrade.
I recommend the upgrade, NO assembly required just supply the case!
Goto the "Full Flash Upgrade" and select the 256K or 512K (for CHR RAM board)"


stargazer wrote:

This is amazing! Forgive me, but can someone tell me exactly which configuration to buy if I want to run Pulsar? I get that it's SX rom, but which memory configuration?

Also, yogi, how long did it take for yours to ship?

Hi stargazer.Under the MMC1 CHR RAM board list, add the "MMC1 SXROM" to cart. If you want 'fully assembled' pick the Flash upgrade, the '256K for CHR Ram boards'. (This one is twice as big as the Pulsar ROM so when you 'split' the .nes you will need to double the 128K PRG.)
If you don't want the Kazzo, you could contact INL and he has offered to pre-flash the board for people.
My order took about a week, maybe a little longer. BUT it seemed like allot longer wink

One finial note: INL's software is mainly for flashing, but he is improving it and said he intends to add ram dumping. The software from the original Japanese project Anago, does dump WRAM saves, but it's having problems with the SXROM's 32K. The GUI handles the 8K SNROM just fine, but for larger bank-switched ram you have to use the command line interface to set the wram read for 4x 8K..
AND so far, my dumped 32K Saves are not 100%, some of the Insterments and Echo table data is corrupt. I'm still trying things so we'll see; the Kazzo/USB/XP is fiddle-ie. 
Oh Yea, grab the docs and software from INL's site and check out the How-To link he has there, very helpful! Have fun!

Yes! I've been playing with it last few days, so very happy!
Yogi smile

Hi I found Infiniteneslives 's projects over at NESDev a couple weeks ago. He has a redesigned Kazzo cart dumper board and a flash cart for several mappers.

  The Kazzo is a USB cart dumper designed in the land of the rising sun, very cool. Their goal is dumping ROMs. INL enhanced the design, to add flashing from the cart edge. He also designed a flash cart that is configurable for a range of mappers. Keep in mind this is a one mapper repo cart, unlike the PowPak or N8. You order the mapper type you need (but if you have the CPLD tools you could change the mapper).
  His latest design is packed with advanced features for future versions (what caught my eye was the ATMega footprint that's mapped to the databus, I smell a midi synth) He also just ordered molds for NES cases, should be ready come spring.

   As i researched  his threads and his shop, I knew I had to order! What really hooked me is the Kazzo hardware can upload and download WRAM saves!
SO a few day ago my Kazzo and SXROM flash cart arrived. IT runs Pulsar and PR8 flawlessly!!! The best part is with the Kazzo I can move Saves back and forth between Nestopia and my NES. Also works great with my NTRQ and cajoNES+ carts so it's not just for his flash carts.
  For the finial nail, the Kazzo/INL retro-dumper board is 20 bucks and the SXROM flash cart is less, depending on your options!
I will be getting another SXROM cart very soon! Each of Neil's titles will have a separate cart!!!!!  \o/
EDIT Anago 062 WRAM:
I was having a problem with Nestopia and dumped .sav files.
The problem was in the script that is used by the Anago.exe software for wram access. This software package is from the original Japanese project, so there is a language issue with the docs.
What I saw was: I could download and upload the Pulsar 32K wram.sav fine, but this bin would not play correct in Nestopia.
After looking at the script I reasoned that it was using an even/odd access to the 4 wran banks: bank 0,2,1,3. This may be needed else where but doesn't work with Nestopia!?!
So I changed the order to 0,1,2,3 which I guess is the manor that Nestopia saves the wram. Work great!!!
Not sure how to host my modded script file, but will find a solution asap!
EDIT WRAM how-to:
Just posted a how-to for Pulsar and INL's SXROM and sav files.
NOW with the modded script attached for DL: … mp;start=0
Hope this helps!

Well, I wired up 2 SNROM boards, one with a socket and a 'N' MMC1 B1 (open Golf) and the other with a 'S' MMC1 A (Kid Icarus).
   I burned a 27C010 with NTRQ and tried it in the socket cart (Golf)-it ran fine! I then soldered it into the second cart (Kid I) and all is well.
  On both these carts I followed the guide I just posted above. Don't know if it's just tying pin 1 Vpp and pin 31 /PRG high, but both MMCs seemed to work.


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Cool gear. Kind of makes me wonder how most feel about effect pedals and post processing. I my self love low pass filter sweeps and chorus in combo with chip.

boomlinde wrote:

I can appreciate a thread for simply being an interesting discussion, so it's not that at all. At least "what's your day job" provokes somewhat meaningful discussion around that topic, while this basically starts off as plain news aggregation.

Point taken, but to be fair I haven't seen a 'dayjob' thread that promotes much discussion wink

boomlinde wrote:

That sounds like a nice topic for discussion. I wish someone had posted that topic instead of this!

Yes but this thread is an example of 'questionable' data handling that could be abused, more concrete then a 'black helicopters' thread.
I respect your opinion. Peace man smile

boomlinde wrote:
Orin wrote:

It's part of one of those gray-zone thingys.

Nah, this thread is just as useless. As I'm part of the subset of people in this world that aren't U.S. army veterans that are unaware of the fact that the information on their identity cards can indeed be used to identify them, the initial topic of this thread is a total waste of my time. What reasoning is it that justifies dedicating a thread on to this, that somehow doesn't justify posting any other completely irrelevant and mundane information that is only vaguely interesting to tiny minorities of the world?

It might be interesting to some, but as far as the scope of the site goes, it's irrelevant and useless.

Though I understand your position that this thread is pointless to non-Veterans, I feel it is relevant in a larger sense on several levels.
On the social level, is a gathering of  people with a shared interest. I feel that sharing concerns and interests outside of this common bond is social interaction that enhances the forum.I don't see too much difference to a 'what's your day job' thread.
On a far larger scope, anyone who enjoys the freedom of being anonymous should be concerned how governments and corporations  handle our personal information. On the whole, users are technical sauve types so should also be concerned about cyber security. It doesn't matter what demographic you belong to, if your personal data is not safe-guarded you need to be concerned.
Just for myself, I don't read EVERY thread, only the ones that interest ME, so a 'useless off topic' thread in the General forum isn't a major issue to me; but I wouldn't want to see the forums filled with spam either.

I'm bumping this because I found a slight issue with ne7's NTRQ how-to. I haven't tested and don't know the impact but will be doing some testing.
After doing some research for a related SNROM mod, I noticed that the Hack it up NTRQ guide shows EPROM pin 31 tied to NES ROM pin 2. On the cart, this signal is /CE from MMC pin 5, on the EPROM this is xx/PGM. This doesn't seem right, every chip access would assert the /PGM pin on the EPROM, but I don't know how it would effect a EPROM.
  I found another SNROM guide that leaves pin 31 tied high, as well as jumpers EPROM pin 1 to Vcc rather then leave it floating.

DSC wrote:
yogi wrote:

I don't know if Neil's latest Public release does, but Ninstruments does offer a sync enabled Pulsar cart/MCTRL bundle, as well as PR8, NESK-1, GlitchNES and Lightwall cart bundle options. (wow I kind of sound like a salesman) So there is a working system here and now.

Just to clarify, I spoke with Neil yesterday and he hopes to have more time to work with me and MCTRL.  So far PR8 is the only software title of his that has a direct MCTRL version.  That is not to say we will not work on other titles, just need more time from both of us to finish.  I have to say I use my Cirklon with the MCTRL version of PR8 and it is sooooooo nice to have direct step sync.  Super clean and very usable, Now I sound like the salesman big_smile

smile smile smile Good info, thanks!

I don't know if Neil's latest Public release does, but Ninstruments does offer a sync enabled Pulsar cart/MCTRL bundle, as well as PR8, NESK-1, GlitchNES and Lightwall cart bundle options. (wow I kind of sound like a salesman) So there is a working system here and now.

m00dawg wrote:

I think there was some work a while ago posted on the MidiBox blog about an NES synth. It harvested the actual 2A03 off the mainboard though (much like how MBSID does). Since it's not socketed, that makes me nervous.

Not sure on the 2A03, but remember there is a SNES APU page on the MB wiki. The Chip Maestro's proof of concept design takes this route. I'm playing with this idea, but the major drawback is as you say, sourcing the 2A03. Mike's Arcade Chips has them for $25, but i've found NES' @ Goodwill for about that price, so it boils down to skill level VS cost I guess.
  The other downside is no DPCM channel sad

m00dawg wrote:

I think just having a MIDI clock sync solution would be pretty huge as then NSF players and trackers can use that for their BPM. That doesn't necessarily allow for full on live play but it means the NES could then be sync'd to the same MIDI clock everything else might be using.

Neil Baldwin has been working with NInsturments on this. Very exciting!

m00dawg wrote:

MidiBox already has lovely MIDI support (obviously) though for just interpreting MIDI clock and sending pulses, I wouldn't imagine the piece would be so difficult. Modifying, say, an NSF player to respond to the signal - that's not something I have even begun to figure out.

At a hardware level, I could see a MB core connected to the player2 port; just needs mapping, Midi to button press sort of thing and have the core aware of the NES' reads.  I have seen the Arduino connected to the NES like this, but no MIDI support.

What an inspiring story, and glad you have found your way through the dark night! As long as there is life, there is hope.
One sugestion that comes to mind is the Just Giving campain that Neil Baldwin suppots @
It is a good charity and Neil has given his talents to the chiptune community freely. Just a thought.