praying for you- hang tight.
962 May 16, 2013 3:07 am
Re: let's help promote one another! (49 replies, posted in General Discussion)
963 May 16, 2013 2:05 am
Topic: want free cds to give away (1 replies, posted in General Discussion)
heyyy i live in homer alaska and there is not really anything chip musicey going on here- but there could be. especially among my friends and those who come to where i work, whenever chip music is heard it is received with genuine interest and enthusiasm.. though most chip music releases are available for free online //i would love to keep a small box of free cds to give away from those on cm.o//
whether you're brand new to chip music or more experienced, send as many cd's (cd-r's are fine) to me in homer and i promise they will get given away. stickers/art are great too..
(Address removed.)
964 May 14, 2013 4:13 am
Re: return of Vegavox carts - super limited edition! (2 replies, posted in Releases)
i'm excited
965 May 13, 2013 10:53 pm
Re: request for music section (2 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
kind of like the one on kitsch's site?
kitsch-bent? ehh, the pandora example i gave is probably closest to what i am thinking..
966 May 13, 2013 7:11 pm
Topic: request for music section (2 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
i think it would be cool if in the music section it was possible to "view item" without navigating away from the page (so that the music wouldn't stop playing).. sort of like how you can pull up the artist bio on pandora without the music stopping. it would remove the "hassle" of having to open a new tab to comment on or download the song without killing the music. perhaps this would encourage more comment activity in the music section?
has this been suggested before?
967 May 10, 2013 12:54 am
Re: terrible chipmusic titles (134 replies, posted in General Discussion)
true story: i started writing a bunch of trashy lo-fi industrial music a couple years ago, one of the songs was called 'bitcrusher' and it was about a dominatrix who liked to step on your junk with stiletto heels
is that a true story?
968 May 9, 2013 10:12 pm
Re: terrible chipmusic titles (134 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Rei Yano wrote:oh god. I cant finish it. I just cant.
What? This is actually interesting and kind of nice
8 bit champion
969 May 9, 2013 7:59 am
Re: terrible chipmusic titles (134 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Rei Yano wrote:"8-bit" is such a red flag for me.
Yeah same here, makes me think of shit, gimikey remixes of songs, that are really just midis put through GXSCC
how dare you associate those things with the music of almighty eqavox
970 May 9, 2013 6:39 am
Re: terrible chipmusic titles (134 replies, posted in General Discussion)
8 bit girl
971 Apr 26, 2013 2:53 am
Re: Rex Rocket Kickstarter w/ OST by Saskrotch (37 replies, posted in General Discussion)
@ 1:57 it gets so so good
972 Apr 26, 2013 1:18 am
Re: I need an affordable laptop that isn't garbage (26 replies, posted in General Discussion)
i seriously doubt that laptop is new, unless you count new old stock and are willing to accept the battery may be DOA.. it has fucking vista business on it
also a processor line thats been dead since maybe 2009 or so (though a decent one)
that is to say: if youll have it plugged in all the time, this is actually a good deal, though possibly a used/refurb... it has firewire, fuck yeah (though no usb 2.0, wtf)
it is new (yes old stock) and is actually the same thing i bought (which i am typing on now). it's windows 7. the battery lasts close to 4 hours which is aight. and again, we're talking $200 laptops here..
973 Apr 26, 2013 1:09 am
Re: I need an affordable laptop that isn't garbage (26 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Glitch Militia wrote:220 USD will get you nothing really..
Unless you buy used
not true.. get something like this
and you'll be fine
974 Apr 26, 2013 1:06 am
Re: I need an affordable laptop that isn't garbage (26 replies, posted in General Discussion)
My last laptop was an HP Pavilion g4, 14", 4G RAM, for $350. It ran about 24 tracks of your typical DAW with plug-ins. They might be closer to the range you're looking for for a used machine. A couple hundred is really pushing it, but you also can't go wrong with a 4/5 year old Dell, my inspiron still runs Reason 5 nicely after 8 years. Good Luck!
i had this exact lappy for a few years and it was ok-
however i just spent $200 on a windows 7 thinkpad and have never been happier.. i took 1g of ram outta my old lappy and put it in the thinkpad, but it was running great even before. anyways i recommend thinkpads.
975 Apr 9, 2013 11:45 pm
Re: WTB: any dmg, ems 64mb, link cable (4 replies, posted in Trading Post)
you should check out
you can find all of these things at top quality
976 Apr 8, 2013 6:29 am
Re: How would you integrate nsf/.ftm into a game? (15 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
wasn't cave story pxtone? could be wrong about that one..
and someone else will answer your question. ha.