Finished with 8 minutes to spare wink

Front page needs to be updated and why is there still a week left to vote on hearing loss?

Yes he is goood. I'll pester him as well. Haven't had any time for this weeks comp though I have listened to some of my favorite jazz all week if that counts lol. Hopefully I can get something going after work but I may not have time. Just moved the GF in with me and there is crap everywhere.

RushCoil wrote:

- using CC08 and drawing lines is a complete nightmare...

Create an LFO?

Though I do run into issues with the LFO chopping the note up rather than bending it when I have a lot of other commands going through.

In addition to duty can we get some vibrato and volume CCs? Or pitch control so we can make vibrato? Definitely interested in this.

Ah yep read that backwards.

Did you guys watch the video with sound? It was clearly playing both pulses and tri. Where is the noise though? DCPM support? How versatile is each channel? What kinds of cc commands are there?

What'd I do this time sad

Every one had such a great song! We have such a great group going, let's keep up the good work big_smile

nickmaynard wrote:

You suspect that they are lying in an effort to get some free stuff from you.

If it's something insignificant (electronic component, cd, etc) not such a big deal but if you should ship out something rather expensive get tracking.


Take a listen to my tracks and if you are interested either PM me here or email me: 2playerlive (at) gmail (dot) com

Man, that was fun. Now i am pissed i missed the first one sad

Your track was soooo good though!! Perhaps my favorite of the comp. I want to hear more like it

Edit: Double post

Ohhhh, so on the challenge page that should be a matrix rather than a line. So 00, 04, 08, and OC would all be on PU1

So for this next challenge each channel will have a chain series X0 to XF? And re organize the whole song? Or is that for a single channel?