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Topics by ilv1
Posts found: 10
Add some other patterns especially to that bass. Breakdown the song and slow it down somewhere in the middle... Leave the bass on the first note of the phrase only (or at least use it less) and play with the drums and build it up back. Stuff like that... Change the patterns to create different song parts. Could also change an instrument if you think you can find something that fits (but don't forget to change the pattern too... just the instrument isn't enough usually).
EDIT: Nevermind this next part... I heard an awesome transition somewhere around 1:24 in your track... Awesome job!
Keep in mind that it's a good idea to also create a transition between two different parts of the track. This might be as simple as just muting the drums on the last 2 phrases or just muting everything somewhere in the last phrase (after one of the snares) and then just jump into the new stuff.
As a video game track it sounds so fucking good! Reminds me of Hotline Miami... As a stand-alone track it's a bit too boring but cool nonetheless.
0:16-0:56 Needs work... Nothing stands out as a lead or something to make it memorable... The end is very fucking interesting!
Also need criticism. If you've got the time, check out my thread!
- 7C7
Yeah... Tune sounds cool but the drums could use work... They're too low pitched and muddy and whatnot...
Also, if you have the time, I need some criticism too... Posted a thread in the forums! Thanks!
Sounds ok... Not a fan of the Character Select style... And the Game Over could use some more work... It's a bit dull. But then again, if I imagine myself playing a game and having that music in the background it works... Other then that I think the music cool.
Ummm... I see no CC was given
The drums are boring. Too repetitive... Try changing them up just a bit every other phrase or every 4th phrase... Like a question/response conversation. Also the "hats" in the drums are too snare-ish and would've sounded better in a higher pitch... Also try killing the note earlier or lowering the volume on every other hi hat to give it some dynamics and humanization. Sounds good to the ear.
Try fixing the drums and see where you get from there.... To me, it sounds good other than that.
Sounds good! Would've loved some variations in the notes... Move them some more a bit, shuffle them, making the tune more dynamic or something.
LSDJ is really easy... I just started using it 2 weeks ago.., There's a really great short manual and there are lots of fast tutorials on Youtube. Get VisualBoyAdvanced or some other gameboy emulator to run it. And it's only 2$...
Hello! As the title suggests, this is my first 8-bit tune. Some opinions would be awesome!
Made it with LSDJ on VisualBoyAdvanced and then I used Gross Beat in FL Studio to add some glitches that would've taken me too long to do with LSDJ.
Posts found: 10 / Forums / Posts by ilv1