most likely


(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Spöka wrote:
akira^8GB wrote:

I have not had it crash, like, ever. It works solid! Used it in a couple of gigs.

If you are having battery issues, consider contacting GPH, because some of the models went out with shitty batteries, and they will replace it for you at no charge. Finding a contact to sort this out is nigh on impossible, so mail Ellie at yj0424 }47{ gp2x }d0†{ com and tell her your problem.

Thanks a lot for the info! The crashes (like the two I had) happen only when I load a big sample and change pages too fast... So it's ok.

And the battery is no issue really. I never charged it fully, since I had to keep it plugged in to laptop all the time but then I realized that I can use my Iphone charger for it. big_smile Derp...

dont leave anything with a rechargeable battery plugged in all the time, can kill the battery faster (even laptops)

oh, for the record, ill probably roll up to hang out, support ccdm & ty

oliver: can i by any chance get a copy of the 2.3 .mb after this change was made so i can be sure both of mine are good? think at least one of my carts still has an older version of 2.3, possibly both


(9 replies, posted in Releases)

Spöka wrote:
wedanced wrote:

dood there are no effects at all i swear. direct recording from DS lite to computer. no joke. its all just volume play.

I think esc meant the video on your 'frontpage'. Got me confused too at first. ;D



(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

oh, the exit crash is getting fixed? nice


(9 replies, posted in Releases)

"direct"?  you mean besides all the effects? wink
nevermind, i see that you linked just to your front page, which is clearly not nanoloop
direct link to the actual mp3:

yeah, supposedly only an issue with 2.3 carts, for at least the first year or so... at startup, the carts look in the RAM of the GBA itself, if they find nanoloop data, its supposed to overwrite the data in the cart
at first this didn't ignore if no data was found, (the r4 carts seemed to wipe the RAM) and would then overwrite your data with blank data...not sure exactly when he fixed it

one important thing: NEVER have DS flash card (r4, acekard, etc) in the DS at the same time as nanoloop 2.x...supposedly, oliver fixed this bug, but there was an issue before where this combination could result in a full wipe of your nanoloop cart data and it is probably best to not risk it

edit: also, sound quality among all models of nintendo handhelds tend to vary from unit to unit, ive had SPs that were hissy and ones that were crystal clear, same is possible with bet is to carry a cart with you to test at the store, if you can

pros to using a micro over sp:
smaller, built in headphone jack so you can skip the adapter (for SP), crisp screen

Pros for using SP:
bigger screen, standard GBA port (for sync purposes)

if you like the SP, stick with it unless you spot a micro you like cheap i guess (or really hate those adapters)...
personally, i keep around 2 of each, the SPs only get used if i need to sync 2.3 with something else, otherwise its micros

pssh, closed?, im just gonna move this where it belongs and give it a real title, oddly it helps to let people know what they should expect in a thread smile


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Frostbyte wrote:

It was a joke haha.

not a very good one, it seems


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Bit Shifter wrote:
Frostbyte wrote:

Thank god we have  enough electricity to flush the toilet and brush our teeth. That was close.



youll probably be fine just using the built-in 3 band EQ for any live stuff, for recording id just tweak the EQ a little more in your recording software

you do know that the aux sends on mixers are basically always mono, right? ive been cursing this fact for years..if youre going to do stereo 31 band eqs (which is excessive for shaping the sound of a game boy) for each one, itd have to be inline, not through the AUX send


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

possible that you wired the midi-in jack incorrectly?