
(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yeah, it was pretty funny, since it was a small birthday party with only about 15 people at it


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

starscream on the rise maybe? if so, congrats smile
i actually ran into a guy at a birthday party who knew about chipmusic this weekend, and the only artist he knew was starscream


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

still on time in my time zone, and though im not a fan of these threads, i believe natty deserving of one
happy birthday, you sick sick man


(25 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)

haha, i have been slowly over the past year...no more electribe, spare midines, nanoloop 1.5 carts, c64, etc
still have to get rid of more though

wedanced wrote:


you can buy cool stuff im getting rid of for space reasons big_smile

arfink wrote:

wedanced: Easy. Come to MN and mug Low-Gain who is getting the first two units. XD

/me plans a trip to minnesota to mug low-gain for sammich fm


(70 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)


hahaha... 4mat "bathing in money"...scrooge mcduck of the chip scene


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

*E wrote:

If you know someone who has a 1.3 cart, there's a way to upgrade your 1.2

Maybe someone on the site could do it for you if you ship it to them (or you could send it to Oliver)

you can upgrade a 2.2 to 2.3
1.2 uses sram powered by battery and saves 4 banks and uses 3 channels, 1.3 uses flash memory and saves 16 banks and has 4 channels

forgot to ask: which version of lsdj was this made on? want to make sure i know how it sounded before i mangle it smile

and i can tell you it sounds pretty damn nice before logan gets a chance to upload that video (this is the one you had down here a few months ago, right?)

this one im DEFINITELY doing smile

lissajou wrote:
pixls wrote:

oh now i want oatmeal.

dont know how id missed this, the bump saved me smile


infradead: not ideal, but you can run the sav in an emulator and record the wav out audio

ill give it a shot...