(73 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i wouldn't say punk changed into a monolithic genre almost instantly... if you start with the proto-punk of the stooges back in the early 70s, it had a solid decade where it was diverse enough to include Suicide, Blondie, Television, Wire, The Ramones, Devo, Minor Threat, etc... i think the biggest force towards making punk a narrower genre was Mclaren and his version of punk clothing style and punk music.. sure , by the mid 80s it had narrowed significantly but then it started expanding out again thankfully... as far as the diy thing, yeah sure people still mod their own gear but it's often from pre-made kits.. the earliest lighting mods done by Der Warst were true diy (used part of a cd jewel case to diffuse the single led, no pre-made foil, just cut a piece of aluminum foil and try not to short the board in the process).. i have one he did that's still my preferred dmg a decade later, it confuses the hell out of most people who've seen me use it, it looks nothing like what they're used to.. i couldn't really call the current way things are anti-consumerist at all given how many successful vendors exist at this point.. back in 2007, there was only one seller of gb flash carts in the US (Low-Gain, then going by LameBoy) and we only had the 32MB EMS carts which required a parallel port flashing device... it was straight-up harder to get lsdj on a cart that could run on a DMG back then (a bunch of the chicago area people got their first carts from me, since i'd do 4-5 cart orders and had the flasher, then sell at cost or trade for shit i wanted) and DMGs were $5-10, even for play it loud ones.. it may still seems anti-consumerist to some, but compared to a decade ago it's not even close...


(73 replies, posted in General Discussion)

clubcult wrote:
e.s.c. wrote:

i think there's very little rebellion or anti-consumerism in the scene now, if there ever really was (individual artists in some cases, but never wide-spread from what i saw).. most of the scene has nothing at all to do with punk, at least from my perspective (that of someone who was in the punk scene for maybe 6-8 years starting in the mid-90s)

mh, sure, you can not generalize this because everyone has a different motivation starting with chipmusic.
But listen to these guys:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRCbt3f … e&t=51

...and what about this ?

(a) i said individual artist exceptions exist (like bit shifter being influenced a little more towards the pop punk end of the spectrum or let's disinfect, awkward terrible, etc) hell, i used to help run datathrash, a label that specialized in punk and metal influenced stuff mostly & (b) that film was made ~10 years ago, there's a lot in it that even the people you hear saying it would no longer necessarily agree with... i think the diy aspect was much bigger earlier on, but since there are now multiple vendors who will sell you game boys with any kind of mod you want pre-installed that seems to have faded significantly (at least on the tech end)... in a way, i'd say it's even got a higher barrier of entry at this point than other forms of electronic music at this point, since pretty much everyone already has a laptop and pirated versions of DAWs and VSTs are everywhere where in most cases people getting into chip seem to want to work on the original hardware... the main aspect of the punk scene (at least the early punk scene) that i find pretty lacking in chip at this point was the "fuck preconceptions, i'll make whatever i think sounds good" attitude.. the majority of people getting involved these days tend to make some form of EDM, techno, house or other more traditional forms of dance genres, far fewer just make whatever the hell they want and ignore genre limitations entirely


(73 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i think there's very little rebellion or anti-consumerism in the scene now, if there ever really was (individual artists in some cases, but never wide-spread from what i saw).. most of the scene has nothing at all to do with punk, at least from my perspective (that of someone who was in the punk scene for maybe 6-8 years starting in the mid-90s)

think he just means the one that's the exact same, just no bluetooth (because honestly who needs bluetooth in a pedal).. i think syphus might have it too, i'd forgotten about it but have heard only good things

psyched as fuck

i'd think so.. someone should grab this, it's ideal for ultra portable setups

herr_prof wrote:

the line6 m5 is a great pedal for lsdj, lots of stereo effects, and every one of them also comes with a noise gate.

hadn't seen this before, looks pretty good.. out of curiosity, what's the max delay time on it?

yeah, he's looking for best options for running a game boy through for live purposes.. i answered on facebook and told him that he'd likely be best off just running in through a laptop with ableton so he could use the exact same vsts and settings used in the recordings since most compact guitar pedals aren't ideal for his purposes since most of the cheaper and smaller ones tend to add noise to the signal... if he is 100% against using a laptop, i was going to recommend instead getting a 4U rack case and getting a decent alesis compressor or an rnc1773, a dual 15 band eq and either a rackmount reverb unit or a holy grail (though obviously this kills any portability and would run maybe $600-800 total)

you should try contacting Carl (o2star, doomcloud, radlib, sadnes, etc) if you're still looking tomorrow.. he's probably still in philly for 8staticfest stuff today or driving home


(16 replies, posted in Releases)

hahhaha.. well it's been a while since i've had an improv session longer than 30 minutes because of my fucked up back, i was thinking more about syncing to a midi clock and piecing together maybe a dozen 2x or 3x nanoloop multi-tracked sessions over a few weeks


(16 replies, posted in Releases)

pselodux wrote:

I'll submit a 6-hour track, it's the ultimate conclusion for 0F.digital.

if you do this, i'll resurrect the e.s.c. project just to make an even longer track

edit: even i'm not sure if i mean this to encourage you or discourage you


(16 replies, posted in Releases)

barbeque wrote:

this is the worst contest ever.

not what i said, but i'd probably go to that show tbh... for a while, i toyed around with putting together a show with stagediver, nikaena vizukae, ccdm, 8cylinder & myself which would have been a nice combo of different darker styles of music done with chip gear

PlainFlavored wrote:

I'm also pretty bummed out by the pervasive Eurocentric notion displayed here that dance music = techno. Almost every time I've actually danced to music, it's been rap or R&B, two deeply underrepresented genres in this scene.

true, but thankfully no one refers to them as dance music... you can dance to any music, but some music is made almost solely for that purpose (as in, might otherwise not be as enjoyable for various reasons).. i've seen people dance to harsh noise, which is simultaneously baffling and impressive

shame the postage for the mixer to the US would drive the price up a lot, could be handy for a 3x lgpt setup (as long as i took the time to really fix levels in the lgpt projects so the lack of eq didn't matter)


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

oliver wrote:

Four directional circle buttons? From the inventor of the d-pad?

they sort of did the directional circle button thing on the N64 controller already, but thankfully most games didn't use them that way since there was already a normal d-pad and analog stick