nope, i left staff a few years ago and herrprof and xyno never were... the link at the bottom of the page will tell you the full current staff

herrprof is the one who ran tctd, yes... i'm not sure Jose's family's ancestry, he lives (or lived) in upstate new york... the death of 8bc was significantly later than the rest of that stuff, but the random bans, etc were part of why we made this site...

one of Jose's employees for his cart business creepily applied a sitcker to a female blip attendee's breast without her permission

yeah... that was majorly awkward and messed up

i thought that part went without saying


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Dolby-Z wrote:

I've seen one guy sync up four at a time and it was amazing.

more is possible.. i used to own a custom made box that could sync 6 dmg's (Morgan from Crashfaster bought it off me)... i was more into nanoloop than lsdj, but used to do 6x nanoloop jam sessions pretty often, but only released one real track that used 6

XyNo wrote:

Let's go back to end of 2009 8BC y'all !

does that mean Jose is going to come from out of nowhere to ban Low-Gain (who doesn't even post here anymore), Kitsch & me?

haha it popped into my head because of a few people asking about either "bass music" or how to get notes lower than C3 in lsdj's pulse channels

because there's never a bad time to quote Public Enemy

agreed & changed


(108 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i don't like most of those tracks, but i didn't call them all a bunch of crap... just said it didn't line up with my taste in music... you instead called it "cheap euro disco prissy bullshit" and a "teenage bunch o crap", if you can't understand how that's different, there's nothing really to be said.


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

thanks, but arthritis generally just gets worse over time.. all i can hope for would be stronger pain meds


(108 replies, posted in General Discussion)

you do realize that your post was before mine, right?
whatever, done responding to you, since you're either a troll or just a dick...kinda doubt you even listened to anything in the thread at all, just came in and shat on everyone else's posts
edit: also, lol at describing any music i've made as pop music


(108 replies, posted in General Discussion)

EDIT: you could say music isn't to your taste instead of being an asshole about it

"but the rest was lame...on some cheap euro disco prissy bullshit (no offense).
different people like different stuff i guess, if you object, we can agree to disagree.
teenage bunch o crap man...sounds like they couldnt take their compositions further than C Major / A minor. know what i mean?"

throwing in "we can agree to disagree" and "no offense" doesn't make that post any less what you enjoy and actually contribute instead of just voicing concern over how many gay people are in the scene or being a total twat...

nothing i posted is even really dance music, much less euro-disco... also, you clearly never learned manners so go fuck yourself

if he hasn't responded by the time he's back home, i'll make sure he sees this post, we're the only chip people in this weird border region between illinois and wisconsin so we already have tentative plans to hang out and jam a little when he's back


(108 replies, posted in General Discussion)

JaffaCakeMexica wrote:

well, little skale - systematic and i cactus - yellow cactus were pretty chilled to listen to but the rest was lame...on some cheap euro disco prissy bullshit (no offense).
different people like different stuff i guess, if you object, we can agree to disagree.
teenage bunch o crap man...sounds like they couldnt take their compositions further than C Major / A minor. know what i mean? the first of the atari ones was o.k i guess.

clearly you didn't listen to the stuff i linked then