SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:
breakphase wrote:

Yeah I think the thesis of this thread is flawed. Chipmusic, I strongly believe, is a genre. It has been mischaracterized as a methodology. We can talk about the strength of working with limitations, or cool hacking stuff, but these are two separate things. I believe that the term 'chiptune' arose from the amiga tracker scene, where people were trying to emulate the sound of Commodore 64s, and stuff like that. . Amiga itself was a PCM based sound device, which is definitely not 'chiptune.' If we say that Amiga songs are chiptune, than we have to call early hardcore, like nasenbluten, chiptune. Which would be weird.

So, TL;DR, chip music is simply a genre that attempts to sound like early computer music. And no intelligent person can disagree. wink

If theres only ONE thing all chiptuners agree is that it isnt a fucking genre. Its a method.

yeah, as much as i complain that there should be more diversity of styles within the scene, it's most definitely not a single genre... the stuff i did as e.s.c. is most certainly not in the same genre as what Trey Frey does, for example

results are much more important than the tools used... when i first started using chip stuff in my music, i was sampling nanoloop into a korg electribe esx-1 and using that along with numerous other non-chip samples...

The Laohu wrote:

A list like this already exists.

not everyone is in that facebook group (me, for example) so having it there doesn't negate the potential usefulness of a list somewhere on here

i think most, if not all, staff know at least nonfinite and kitsch personally and some know more of the modders as well... kitsch is actually one of the few staff members of this site... if anything, maybe nitro2k01 would be willing to make a post with links to each website and then immediately close the topic so no one else can post and then add links upon request as new websites pop up


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

for no good reson, i was bothered by the lack of a contrast dial

Boner wrote:

yeah, that was an interesting situation.. show turned out great though


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

why'd you necro a thread from last july? presumably if this person followed through on their interest they've already gotten started on some stuff

wasn't lwlvl the last? aug 2014

no that, happened in 2009 at Saskrotch's house...

so i lost conciousness and slammed the back of my head against the floor so hard that i couldn't see literally anything for about a minute during the final US covox set... good to know

spacetownsavior wrote:

maybe condom was all a dream

unlikely, i was there and actually sober least mostly sober...

Starshine wrote:
TSC wrote:

When I busted Crystal Castles.

What's yhe whole crystal castles deal?

they ripped off a few chip artists, then acted extra shitty when they were called out about it.. here's some info, but there's tons more written about it … s-license/


(3 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

and either way, videos should be posted in the "motion graphics" section of the forum


(28 replies, posted in Trading Post)

you'd have to find one first... i quit a few years ago and most of the others are just almost never on here... bleo or nitro2k01 are the only ones i see posting semi-regularly these days


(28 replies, posted in Trading Post)

freezedream wrote:

I see that you've already had a few offers for BleepBloop carts, so what was wrong with those?

good question, i'm getting a little tired of seeing this in the recent posts feed all the time

if josh literally asked me that during one of his sets, my answer would be much sillier and actually not a reference to a good moment, just because i like to fuck with people during their sets sometimes