believe so.. i know i at least did most of that project on psp, had thrown it on pc also, though don't think i really made any changes after i did...
785 Oct 26, 2014 10:20 pm
Re: data loading wrong in 1.3l_050 pi build, loads in same build on pc/psp (3 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)
786 Oct 24, 2014 9:58 pm
Re: FS / FT DSI Mopho Keyboard (3 replies, posted in Trading Post)
now someone buy my desktop version ive been trying to sell for months
787 Oct 23, 2014 5:37 pm
Re: Current state of online chip music scene? (149 replies, posted in General Discussion)
reminds me again that i need to finish getting out of illinois.. left chicago, but now im in a 50 mile buffer zone with 0 hits on that map
edit: though its funny to see that theres someone in the town my brother lives in now
788 Oct 23, 2014 4:09 pm
Re: Good wire for fine solder point modding..? (13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
yeah, those work great, think i still have a few dozens IDE cables sitting around in a box (unless i made my noise musician friend take them)
789 Oct 23, 2014 1:09 am
Re: DATBANGER - lgpt project merger (10 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)
790 Oct 23, 2014 12:36 am
Re: DATBANGER - lgpt project merger (10 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)
nice... ill fucks with this
791 Oct 23, 2014 12:06 am
Topic: data loading wrong in 1.3l_050 pi build, loads in same build on pc/psp (3 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)
was finally getting my pi army setup again after a few months of ignoring midi gear entirely and discovered that the data from my first d_strct album doesn't load properly in the pi build.. the instruments load fine, but none of the phrases, chains or song data loads.. any ideas?... it's a 18.5 MB folder for the save, so well within the ram limits of all systems... a little stumped and frustrated right now
792 Oct 22, 2014 9:54 pm
Re: Current state of online chip music scene? (149 replies, posted in General Discussion)
like i said though, whats the point of meeting everyone if no one keeps in touch?
793 Oct 22, 2014 9:36 pm
Re: Current state of online chip music scene? (149 replies, posted in General Discussion)
who said i was praising attending shows?
794 Oct 22, 2014 8:41 pm
Re: Current state of online chip music scene? (149 replies, posted in General Discussion)
i kind of feel like both the long-distance communication via internet and IRL stuff need to go hand in hand... i've been to plenty of shows and festivals of course, but since half or more of the people i know have ditched forums and (in some cases) facebook staying in touch just isn't happening the way it used to.. i have to imagine its as bad or worse for some others and it can leave you feeling isolated as fuck...
795 Oct 22, 2014 12:26 am
Re: Current state of online chip music scene? (149 replies, posted in General Discussion)
still 350 miles from chicago (and i was moving that week)... well that would make it triple the audience when shadowtravel came through town this summer... last full chip gig in chicago i remember with around 50 people was late 2010
796 Oct 21, 2014 10:15 pm
Re: Current state of online chip music scene? (149 replies, posted in General Discussion)
and if youre near chicago, be prepared to travel a few hundred miles if you want to be at a gig with more than 10-12 people in attendance ... i mean, its a lot easier for you guys within a 3-4 hour ride from philly or nyc or sf or any of the places with scenes that have things going on on a semi-regular or regular basis, theres just not much going on in some cities and travel is sometimes cost or time prohibitive.. i had a 20+ hours trip between cars, trains and buses to get out to nyc for lwlvl ,.. not everyone can spare that kind of time...
797 Oct 20, 2014 11:16 am
Re: Current state of online chip music scene? (149 replies, posted in General Discussion)
i loved playing with noise acts and they seemed to be where i got my best reactions usually.. a nice opportunity to lean into it and just make things extra nasty.. half the time they didn't even notice there was a game boy or nes in the setup, i was running thing through 2-3 distortion units, layering with sampled breaks off an esx-1.. things like that.. sometimes id do sets like that in front of chip crowds, but it wasnt that often and the reaction was usually far different
but back to the main topic.. i agree with whats been said about the scene being in a sort of spot inbetween being small enough to feel as close as it used to and big enough that you could find enough people locally that it made up for the forums memberships really grew over the last few years, lots of people just stopped coming to the forums from the older group of artists, only popping in to post on rare occasions, but most of them are still around and making music.. CS for one its a pretty small group of people from the original nanoloop forums still around talking online... nordloef, bit shifter, me, etc.. but then again that was about 10 years ago now, so its easy to see how people would get tired of it oafter wave after wave of people that they just have no hope of keeping track of to know who they are.. in 2007, 8bc actually felt like you pretty much knew 50-75% of all the members a little bit and that was great, but it wasnt going to stay around 500-800 people forever
798 Oct 20, 2014 2:03 am
Re: Current state of online chip music scene? (149 replies, posted in General Discussion)
hahaha,, well youve heard enough of my music to see how that would be a little less likely to have been something i heard. i heard people say i wasn't even chip music a lot more often than that i sounded like something from a video game
799 Oct 20, 2014 1:27 am
Re: Current state of online chip music scene? (149 replies, posted in General Discussion)
There's also the weird relationship between writing chip, and writing VGM, some people try and distance themselves from one or the other. It's pretty toxic really, you have people who write "music" and get all snobby about how "it's not from a videogame" even though that's what it sounds like.
feel free to try and claim most of my e.s.c. stuff sounded like it came from a video game (or 8cylinder, or timeheater or dj scotch egg or baseck, etc...).. there can be a distinction between using the same sound capabilities and actually making something SOUND like the songs in video games... fyi, square waves predate the game boy, they existed on synths from way back...
800 Oct 20, 2014 1:18 am
Re: Current state of online chip music scene? (149 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Chiptunes are more likely to get attention in a video game soundtrack.
With that said, does anybody here make chiptune music for the purpose of video games? At CMO, I feel there's a desire to distance the two.
yeah, there are a bunch.. br1ght pr1mate, saskrotch, disasterpeace, derris kharlan, virt, etc...though in some cases they also consider that to be somewhat different than their more personal work