videos not loading would be on your end.. is youtube blocked for some reason?

yeah, dont think theres any one chip artist that just universally loved.. its a pretty diverse scene

no, its just why you noticed some spite in my tone..and yes, you do keep going off topic, i haven't.. others already laid out the differences in legality between remixes and covers in regards to who you are legally obligated to pay, i just was clarifying your confusion on covers vs remixes with helpful video links and using examples where people make money entirely off performing the works of others (alive or dead) which are the situations more likely to result in legal action beyond ceas & desist.. a cover or two in a set here and there usually wouldnt draw attention unless it blew up... from what i remember, that daft punk "da chip" chip cover album had to get pulled after a cease & desist

technically, yes they are required by law to pay the holder of the publishing rights for the written song in order to either release it or perform it publically (though many choose to take their chances and know theyre usually facing cease & desist at worst, not lawsuit)

seriously though, your opinions on how it should be in no way effect the reality of the laws in place or mean anyone should feel bad if you decide to go around the law and get a cease & desist..  just watch those videos i posted and you should get what constitutes a cover (yes, even if you add accordion and turn a punk song into polka) and what is a remix, and what isn't really anything resembling the original work in final content, even if it uses parts of the recording.. hell half of hip hop and breakcore stuff borrows drum hits from the same 4 bar drum break, but rechops/splces/cuts/edits the shit out of the amen to make something validly considered as new unique material and not really a copyright violation

baudtack wrote:
e.s.c. wrote:

people go see cover bands too, though, not just tributes to dead artists.. lots of middle aged dudes playing $400+ a night gigs with 0 original songs... seems fair they kick a little of that to van halen or whoever else their shitty band covers

Done well a cover band is a performance piece, like a play. I don't see anything wrong with that. Should they give a kick back to the original artist? Maybe. But I don't see why they should be forced to give a residual to the copyright holder in perpetuity.

You seem to have a complaint against middle aged dudes with zero original songs. If people are willing to pay to see them, I don't see what the issue is. They aren't making a contribution to music in the grand scheme of things, but so what?

theyre just boring and usually the ones doing the cover bands/tributes from my experience
and when performing a play, if its still under copyright, they do have to pay the playwriter.. otherwise playwriters couldn't really make a living at all

and examples of something made from samples of other people's work has passed the boundary into being an original work

and pretty much all the music on the beastie boy's album "Paul's Boutique"

and its only ever a remix if using parts of the original sound recording, its a cover if you are re recording yourself, even if you change things around, use different instruments and add parts of your own..
for example.. orig




remix (well, almost more of a mashup)

people go see cover bands too, though, not just tributes to dead artists.. lots of middle aged dudes playing $400+ a night gigs with 0 original songs... seems fair they kick a little of that to van halen or whoever else their shitty band covers

miniSD, i believe, but yeah try a reformat

piggy is always welcome on here, especially if you share the data smile

are you completely unfamiliar with the existence of tribute bands? usually uncreative middle aged guys with good dayjobs and a ton of money to buy the exact gear their favorite band used and even go as far as dressing like them, playing the songs note for note? its kind of (sadly) a big industry actually... beatles and elvis tribute bands especially


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

wow, that guy is really dumb

yeah, winning fair use cases is rare for the defendant, explaining the difference between it and plagarism to lay-people is a difficult task to say the least.. just look at the negativland/u2 case, should have been clear fair use AND covered under satire/parody protections, they still lost because they couldnt afford lawyers as good as island records' lawyers

i actually feel the vanilla ice thing was bad enough to be considered a ripoff, since that bassline was the key part to both "under pressure" and "ice ice baby" and was left virtually identical.. there's a funny clip of david bowie (who co-wrote and sang on "under pressure") with him talking about people thinking he was covering vanilla ice while he was playing live that puts that one in perspective

actually, in some cases a chord progression can be enough to constitute plagarism (or bassline, see the Vanilla Ice/Queen situation)