that's there..just a ton of the better tracks aren' saskrotch besides megaman stuff? thats just wrong

edit: and for those who aren't sure why the split with 8bc happened, here's a refresher … leepbloop/

its best to choose a reference based on what sound you're going for, ie someone doing industiral metal might choose ministry's "the mind is a terrible thing to taste", though finding cross-genre references can be fun too.. though really, as long as you get a consistent sound on the release that you like, it doesnt matter what reference you use, if any

this torrent is reminding me why i dislike most chip music

nitro2k01 wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

Don't put too much weight into what he's saying, especially not in part 2 of the interview.

lol, yeah.. i love the way he only sort of refers to all of us who ran the shit while he was MIA for about a year in 2008 as people with strong opinions

oh and no zombectro slayer cover, wtf is up with that?

ok, just really dug through that torrent and its kind of shit for being representative of 8bc.. reminds me why we didnt do the top tens and favoriting really on here... too many tracks on that torrent because people made dummy accounts to favorite their own/their friends tracks...also is lacking everyone who asked to be deleted after jose got super shitty towards some of us

edit: clear sign something's off= only saskrotch tracks in it are his megaman remixes


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

yeah, not that hard to make your own.. though if you want to pay me a few dollars, ill do the work for you


(1 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

i even know what the experimental garage sale is (and was at the first 3-4) and had no idea what you meant from the title, may wish to be clearer

lots of studio style mixers have 2 aux sends instead of just one... i;m selling rwo different mackies which both have 2 aux sends, a mackie onyx 1220 & a mackie onyx 820i firewire mixer

danthalian wrote:
Dire Hit wrote:

If I had heard something like that when I was first starting out I probably would have given up on chiptune.

Really? Only poor man reacts like that.
Oh yes, my apologies to the author.
Apologies for all of you.
Poniosło mnie (don't know how to describe it in english)...

I've read your posts and the one i have to say-stop making "forum posts"...

i'd just go with trial and error.. can help you develop your own personal style

yeah, that was an excessively harsh response to a track thats not bad...
its a pretty simple song, but that can be good.. i think maybe a few extra variations on each part and a little tweaking of the instruments could make the difference (those square waves are maybe a little cleaner than they should be)

i just actually looked at the torrent info for the first time, noticed it for some reason says that all tracks were released under  CC-BY-NC-SA, 8bc did have the option to choose license on upload so many of those songs actually had different licenses (probably a fair number with ND instead of SA).. not sure if that database info would still exists somewhere to fix that for people grabbing the torrent or not


(19 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

herr_prof wrote:

Id love a ios port with audiobus and ios gamepad support. Looks like we already have save as coming as a result of this! … r/issues/1

save as= giant fuck yes moment


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

TylerBarnes wrote:

It may just be me, but I dislike seeing presumably copyrighted, but none the less somebody elses content being used is such a way. Your track and editing are very enjoyable and I dig it alot. I may be alone on this, but I couldn't get into the vid for that reason. (Only exception to this is when fair use and parody applies)

most of what i'm seeing is stuff thats on (either no copyright at all or CC) and/or government footage (which is fair use)

edit: one thing i'd say is that you should try and time your edit points either on the first note of each measure or on drum hits, it makes the video and audio work better together

if that fails, move to wherever that chase scene in fast & furious 6 happened … ous-6.html