
(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

for ease, copying the entire section on mGB from trash80s google code page:

http://code.google.com/p/arduinoboy/ wrote:

mGB is a Gameboy cartridge program (You need a Flash Cart and Transfer hardware) That enables the Gameboy to act as a full MIDI supported sound module. It works with the old DMG Gameboy as well as GBC/GBA.

Current Source code available upon request. (Its a bit of a mess without comments. wink
mGB Change Log

    Feb 2 2009 1.3.0
        Rewrote 90% of code into assembly for much faster performance- especially noticeable on DMG.
        Changed note behavior. Removed Monophonic note memory to increase performance.
        Envelope does not retrigger if the notes overlap and have the same velocity- Good for arpeggios / broken chords.
        Note off has a slight delay so immediate retrigged notes don't cause "clicking" effect due to turning off the synth.
        Added screen off mode for great signal-to-noise ratio, longer battery life, and better performance on DMG. (To toggle the screen mode hold Select and press A.)
        Created back-end routine that prioritizes processes for better performance.
        Added 8 "noise" shapes to the Wav synth for more interesting effects.
        Made Wav pitch sweep stable and changed it so it glitches out at values above 8. big_smile
    Nov 5 2008 Version: 1.2.4
        Fixed small bug with the indicator arrow, it was offset vertically a bit.
        Fixed bug with unexpected behavior with large PB Ranges
        PB Range Max is now 48 notes. (hehe)
        Octave Shift max is now -2/+3
        Added some Octave shift logic. If the current note is greater than what the GB can play due to octave shifting, it will select the lower octave note, so no off key notes will play.
        Added Gameboy Color fast-cpu mode- better performance with newer Gameboys.
    Oct 28 2008 - Version: 1.2.3
        Added Note markers above synth number, so you can tell if the synth is on. wink
        Added PB wheel reset to MIDI panic (Start button)
        Code more efficient (I'm sure there is still more to do here)
        nitro2k01 @ http://gameboygenius.8bitcollective.com rewrote my gamejack serial function to make it as fast as possible. THANKS!!
    Oct 25 2008 - Version: 1.2.2
        Added Program Change messages to mGB
        Rewrote MIDI data input for mGB. (Rewrote the function in ASM to make it faster)
        Added Controller Priority. While changing parameters on the gameboy itself, MIDI messages will not overwrite your changes while your editing them. This is a good live mode feature
    Oct 23 2008 - Version: 1.2.1
        Found & Fixed various bugs in 1.2.0
        Changed help text. Made it more clear.
    Oct 23 2008 - Version: 1.2.0
        Change interface a bit
        Added presets
        Optimized code
    Oct 20 2008 - Version: 1.1.0
        Added Interface
        Changed Wav CCs Around to make more consistent with the Pu Synths.
    Oct 4 2008 - Version: 0.1.2
        Fixed bug with Wav Synth hanging after sequencer stop.
        Fixed bug with Wav Synth not resetting monophonic keyboard note triggers

mGB Button shortcuts

    Start: MIDI Panic
    Select + Dpad: Select multiple synths for editing.
    Select + A: Toggles the screen on or off, better battery life, less noise, and faster response.
    Select + B: Copys all parameters on screen while cursor is not on preset number.
    B: Pastes all parameters while cursor is not on preset number
    A + Dpad: Change parameter value
    To load/save presets, put the cursor on the "PRESET" number, and hit B for load, Select+B to save

mGB MIDI Implementation

Note: the name and number at the bottom left of the screen indicates the midi CC of the selected parameter.

    PU1 - MIDI CH1
        Program Change: 1 to 15
        PB: Pitch bend - up to +/- 12
        cc1: Pulse width - 0,32,64,127
        cc2: Envelope mode - 0 to 127, 16 possible steps
        cc3: Pitch sweep
        cc4: Pitchbend Range
        cc5: Load Preset
        cc10: Pan
        cc64: Sustain- Turns off note off. <64 = off, >63 = on

    PU2 - MIDI CH2
        Program Change: 1 to 15
        PB: Pitch bend - up to +/- 12
        cc1: Pulse width - 0,32,64,127
        cc2: Envelope mode - 0 to 127, 16 possible steps
        cc4: Pitchbend Range
        cc5: Load Preset
        cc10: Pan
        cc64: Sustain- Turns off note off. <64 = off, >63 = on

    WAV - MIDI CH3
        Program Change: 1 to 15
        PB: pitch bend - up to +/- 12
        cc1: shape select : 16 possible on a 0 to 127 range
        cc2: shape offset : 32 possible on a 0 to 127 range
        cc3: Pitch Sweep speed. 0=Off, 1-127 speed.
        cc4: Pitchbend Range
        cc5: Load Preset
        cc10: pan
        cc64: Sustain- turns off note off. <64 = off, >63 = on

        Program Change: 1 to 15
        PB: pitch bend +/-24
        cc2: envelope mode - 0 to 127, 16 possible steps
        cc5: Load Preset
        cc10: pan
        cc64: (sustain) turns off note off. <64 = off, >63 = on

    POLY MODE - MIDI CH5 - Plays Pu1/Pu2 and Wav in poly
        Program Change: 1 to 15
        PB: pitch bend +/-2
        cc1: See cc1
        cc5: Load Preset
        cc10: pan
        cc64: (sustain) turns off note off. <64 = off, >63 = on


well, part of the point i was making wasnt just about originality, but also using chip instruments with a wide range of other instruments (there's a bit more guitar & chip stuff now, at least)... so if people have suggestions of people writing non-dance stuff with chip gear that is mixed with other gear they can send em to me...i guess i basically thought that chip would become less of thing on its own and just seep into other music, since its really just another type of digital synth...

danimal cannon wrote:
e.s.c. wrote:

just saying, those limitations... chip gear is what it is... honestly thought about 5-6 years ago we'd see a shift toward mixing chip with other gear after a few acts got a little bigger, but scene is more homogenous than ever.. too much 4/4 EDM/house/happy hardcore been done with this gear already, and i wasnt big on it even when it was new... and if you use it heavily, you get labeled as chip, which then leads peopls to expect 4/4 edm dance nonsense (at least my experience in the midwest, i get told by chip gigs im not chip, and by other gigs that im too chip)

Maybe you're not downloading enough albums from Ubiktune dude.

I'll be making chip for a good while. I've always made other kinds of music so I'm sure some non-chip albums will happen at some point. I still see a lot of room to grow as a chip artist, and I haven't made all the music I want to make yet.

im not saying that arent some, just that as a percentage of the scene, i think the unique acts are actually a smaller part of the scene than they were in 2007-2008.. seems for every new artist doing something really different there are15-20-30 artists all copying other peoples sounds (intentionally or not)

maybe, i just expected more from this scene as a whole.. sorry, youve collectively let me down (not that you give a fuck wink ).. had a few conversations with other guys about this, and im not alone on thinking things were going to go a different direction back then.. shit really did seem like it was about to become something truly amazing for a bit back in 2006-2009, but then most new acts just followed lsdj tutorials online and made what could essentially all be one giant mix track

just saying, those limitations... chip gear is what it is... honestly thought about 5-6 years ago we'd see a shift toward mixing chip with other gear after a few acts got a little bigger, but scene is more homogenous than ever.. too much 4/4 EDM/house/happy hardcore been done with this gear already, and i wasnt big on it even when it was new... and if you use it heavily, you get labeled as chip, which then leads peopls to expect 4/4 edm dance nonsense (at least my experience in the midwest, i get told by chip gigs im not chip, and by other gigs that im too chip)

especially something as nebulous as "chiptune", whatever that means now (or really ever did, most of the chip i listened to in the 90s was just awesome shit done on amiga without a label to it)

lol, the point was that youll never know how serious you will be about a thing in a few years from now

Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

Standard answer at this point: Not likely. I've only made chipmusic exponentially more and more since I began like 7 years ago, and I'm forever finding new genre ideas and stuff to mess around in musically via chiptune. I'm kinda in it for the long haul.

get back to me in 4-5 years wink
(just saying that was roughly how far in i was that i got a DMG tattoo on my right forearm)

Saskrotch wrote:

I've been doing this 10 years, I've seen a lot of people come and go. Pretty sure I'm in for good at this point.

just make trap, you know you want to

Jansaw wrote:

lol @ I'll stop when it gets too popular.
Like e.s.c., It'll probably always be part of my music output.

its more about what i feel like doing than popularity for me, right now i'm sort of putting this project on hiatus (well i already did, just didnt really make a big deal about it) and starting work on a new project that the only things sort of chip about it are that im using piggy tracker (on pi) to control the midi gear and one of the synths is an FB-01...may sneak in some mGB on a few tracks, but not as a major part really

it'll probably always be part of some of the music i work on


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

XyNo wrote:
wedanced wrote:

I believe nullsleep and star pause did a split a bit back.

YES ! I got it at Toy Company Festival last summer I think it will be released soon on Radiograffiti
Here is my collection (with that Nullsleep-Starpause split wink )most of these we're called in comments before but here it is anyway ! tongue

edit: oops just saw it was a necro...sorry !

why no CCDM - "7" of doom"? wink


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ilkae wrote:

You only really need one chiptune vinyl: http://www.discogs.com/Frederik-Schikow … ease/46829

isn't a bunch of your stuff on vinyl? think ive got a 7" around here somewhere

yeah, maybe.. though the amount the video degrades by would be irrelevant if the original encodes were 480p at a higher bitrate/quality than dvd quality mpeg2.. think cTrix may have just gotten used to working in better quality than dvd allows for smile

why are you asking for 720p or 1080p when DVD is 480p? might send in something, just thought that was strange
edit: or are you using the term loosely, and its just going to be a looping video playlist?

should work fine, ive synced 2.3 with 1.6.3 & 1.3 using one of those cheapo 4-ended cables (which are actually preferable to nintendo brand for some purposes, since they have dmg and gbc/gba plugs on both ends and pretty much always have all 6 pins connected too)