!! theres like a facebook group 4 nzchip kids if ur keen to jump in ! :3
1 Sep 10, 2015 11:15 pm
Re: Is there an active New Zealand chip-scene at the moment? (6 replies, posted in General Discussion)
2 Jul 13, 2015 1:50 am
Re: Submissions for; pātiotio - exhibition in wgtn/poneke nz (1 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
i changed the name! also submissions close 14th of August! so um yea hmu ^_^
name change:
1. (noun) angel wing rock borer, Barnea similis - a wing-shaped bivalve mollusc
found between tides inside tunnels which it bores into soft rock.
24th-31st august,
thistle hall gallery, wgtn.
3 Jun 30, 2015 3:11 am
Topic: Submissions for; pātiotio - exhibition in wgtn/poneke nz (1 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
Kia ora!
Tena koutou no Aotearoa! Kia kaha i roto i oku toi, me, he tumeke enei mahi!
Hiee! ^_^
Hello from Aotearoa!
So ok, my name is Piupiu (said like 'pew-pew' tehe ^_^ ),
im part of DEPUTY-3 (using LSDJ and Sunvox with Jos from Fauxhound/TAB), as well as a practicing performance/video artist.
I've got an exhibition coming up on the 22nd - 29th of August 2015,
and im looking for submissions of visual art - stills, pictures, videos, etc - to show as part of the exhibition.
the ethos of the show is all about chiptune/tech/internetcore/babywave!
If you'd like to send some work thru, pls email [email protected] ^_^
4 Jun 30, 2015 2:51 am
Re: current NZ chiptune artists (22 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Hiieee! ^_^
Heres a video for Deputy-3's 1st single ETERNITY FOREVER::
Also! Im keen to do organise some nzchip shows in the future!! so hmu ay arohanui kia taatou!!!
5 Dec 20, 2012 10:58 pm
Re: Who are some female chipmusic artists? (104 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I fight like a girl, does that count?
i reckon c:
6 Dec 20, 2012 9:08 am
Re: Who are some female chipmusic artists? (104 replies, posted in General Discussion)
7 Dec 20, 2012 6:15 am
Re: Who are some female chipmusic artists? (104 replies, posted in General Discussion)
sweeet! thanks man! c: xx
8 Dec 20, 2012 5:32 am
Topic: Who are some female chipmusic artists? (104 replies, posted in General Discussion)
i'm new to chip, and have a dmg (gonna get a lsdj cart + ask fauxhound/$noregazZzm to help me mod it). c:
i was wondering if many other grrls are making chip?
i know of bubblyfish + TALK TO ANIMALS - who're both real rad, but i was wondering if there were any others..? c:
p.s: girly trip-hop-pop fun coming soooooooooon xxxx