(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You're using LSDJ? If so make a table and in the second column the numbers placed represent how many semitones it will travel from the root note.


(175 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This dude is ridiculous.


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Andrew Winzenburg wrote:

where is girljoy?

i haven't been around for like a month, so i missed out on news etc...

and the internet moves really fast - i looked for her on myspace and she seemed to have vanished without a trace.

i checked my bulletins and everything, no trace.

anyone know anything about this? enlighten me.

I loled


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

e.s.c. wrote:
Skip Sandwich wrote:

8bc is definitely more bloated since I started using it in 2006... 8bc had around 3,500 registered users when I joined...

thatd be more like around 2008 or so if it was 3500 members...i made my account in 07 and was somewhere in the 600's or 700's as far as member #..was well over 12000-15000 when i stopped going there in december 2009...

I lurked from 06 to 07, I remember in 2006 there were a lot registered, but only a few hundred that were actually active within the community.


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Cityscape, Go! wrote:
Skip Sandwich wrote:

What do you mean by not promoting anonymity?

I think he/she means that because there so many songs being uploaded at 8bc all the time, for any one person to view them all would be hard/impossible meaning often your posted music is either overlooked/forgotten etc... Am i wrong?

I guess people need to make a conscious effort. 8bc is definitely more bloated since I started using it in 2006, but that's to be expected of any community that becomes popular. I used digg for years, then I moved to reddit. Now reddit is more popular than digg, and soon enough something will replace reddit, just like 8bc will be replaced if it stays on its current path. I remember 8bc had around 3,500 registered users when I joined, now it has what, over 15k? But it's not too late for these communities to stay strong, their users need to make an effort, that's all.


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

herr_prof wrote:

I wish half of these people engaged throughly in 8bc where half as engaged in the rest of the community. Maybe Id know who the fuck they were then. I really want to know who you are, but 8bc has alot going against it in terms of promoting anonymity.

This is kinda reminding me of the last big blackout when I met all my neighbors. Hope we stay in touch!

signed, the first user to upload a file on 8bc,

What do you mean by not promoting anonymity?


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Andrew Winzenburg wrote:
Skip Sandwich wrote:

Good riddance to anyone leaving 8bc because of childish drama. Seriously, it's not hard to ignore it, submit music, and comment on some. That's what 8bc does best. A nice active community. If chipmusic.org made a couple of key changes, it could shadow 8bc easily. But not being able to click on an artist name and see their list of music is enough of a reason to never use this site. But hey, at least you can PM someone. -_-

You're input means so much and we appreciate everything you have to say.

EDIT: Ok, that's too many drew pickles.

Nice, signature.


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

bleo wrote:
Skip Sandwich wrote:

...not being able to click on an artist name and see their list of music is enough of a reason to never use this site.

It's coming. For now you can add /music at the end of someone's profile url and stay a little longer. big_smile

Awesome, I look forward to that. I'm a little surprised it wasn't implemented sooner, but better late than never. And to anyone who thinks my claim is ridiculous, think about how the only way to view someones music is to go to their music from their song page (which they need a new song uploaded, to search their name, or to use the "new music" button from a forum page) These are all reason why it makes new artist VERY difficult to be discovered on this website.


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Good riddance to anyone leaving 8bc because of childish drama. Seriously, it's not hard to ignore it, submit music, and comment on some. That's what 8bc does best. A nice active community. If chipmusic.org made a couple of key changes, it could shadow 8bc easily. But not being able to click on an artist name and see their list of music is enough of a reason to never use this site. But hey, at least you can PM someone. -_-

Is IAYD performing?