I got an error trying to compile it on a 64bit debian based distro.

~/music/klystron-read-only$ make
Generating dependencies for src/lib/ksnd.c
make all CFG=debug
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/todd/music/klystron-read-only'
Compiling ksnd.c...
src/lib/ksnd.c:1:0: error: CPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction set
 #include "ksnd.h"
src/lib/ksnd.c:1:0: error: CPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction set
make[1]: *** [objs.debug/lib_ksnd.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/todd/music/klystron-read-only'
make: *** [build] Error 2

I didn't try compiling klystrack itself yet because it said it needed klystron compiled as well.

Cool, is the source up to date for linux compiling?

Cool smile

Well I was going to keep every pattern 40 hex lines long but for this small transition I wanted to go to the next pattern before 40 hex lines had passed.

Hope it's ok if I ask a klystrack question in this thread. Does klystrack's skip pattern feature work? I tried command 0D (I'd used milkytracker before and have seen this command in action) and it didn't skip to the next pattern at all like it should. I tried 0D00 as well as 0D09 (9 was the next pattern I had).

You can install it but not use it...?

How do you get it running, just edit a config file?

Does LGPT run on linux with either alsa or pulse? It said it couldn't fine libjackwhatever.so but I'd rather not run jackaudio, I like my alsa and pulse setup.

sandneil wrote:
IceWolf wrote:

The filter's only on for one instrument.

Edit: that one filtertable is:
01:90 F7
02:00 80
03:1F FF
04:1F 01
05 FF 00

P.S: if you want to see the song file to clarify things I can post that if you want.

are you remembering to  turn it off for the instruments that dont use it

you have to explicitly turn it off when youre done with it

So I have to use command B00 in the effect column when it's not being used...?

Well here's the song file https://db.tt/GgSiELzV . Still throwing ideas around and I wanted to add more instruments but everything after the 4th one won't do what they should.

sandneil wrote:

did you leave the filter on or something

thats not a more-than-four-instruments problem

The filter's only on for one instrument.

Edit: that one filtertable is:
01:90 F7
02:00 80
03:1F FF
04:1F 01
05 FF 00

P.S: if you want to see the song file to clarify things I can post that if you want.

If I have more than 4 instruments everything after the 4th one gets messed up ?_? I tried making a few instruments after I made 4 and they don't sound at all like they should. I tested them when I didn't have any instruments and they sounded a lot different then. Think I was doing it right for wavetable pos. I had let's say on 02 FF 00 for the next instrument I set wavetable pos to 03.

If you want to use vibrato or portmanteau you have to put something in the speed table?

Thank you linux irc community smile I have a command to make the computer think the numpad insert = the regular insert key it wants

xmodmap -e "keysym KP_Insert = Insert"

and it stays permanent I think if you add

keysym KP_Insert = Insert

into ~/.Xmodmap , if not there's always manual scripts to autorun \o/

Nope I'm just using linux on an Asus u56e laptop. The mac tricks to get the insert key didn't work hmm I'm on the latest goattracker version 2.72.

Well here's a major issue, the only computer I actually own, my laptop, the insert key on the numpad isn't being seen by goattracker and that's the only way to add more patterns to the orderlist and make the song sad