(37 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Sweet, I downloaded it big_smile


(37 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I found some over at ucollective.org/patches/lsdj/

kometbomb wrote:

So, the next question is that does it change the pattern color in the sequence when you click on that thing?


Thanks guys, I started working on it. Doesn't quite sound like I envisioned it and not sure if it's right but work has begun on it.

Yeah that works, I usually have the patterns in compact view big_smile

kometbomb wrote:

I mean the one you use to change the color. In the pattern header.

Well I'm lost, unless you added some new buttons/key combos or something...

kometbomb wrote:
IceWolf wrote:

Well so far replacing the res files only changed the patterns to white, they used to be blue before that.

Perhaps it is using software rendering or just doesn't recolor the patterns otherwise. Does the color selector thing change color when you click on it?

Well it's white if the cursor's over it and gray if the cursor isn't on it.

Well I pretty much just play music by ear on the computer (It's been 2 years since I started I think? no music theory) and the song I wanted to do was Bullet For My Valentine's Forever and Always.

So I got lsdj and my first thought was to do a hard rock cover on lsdj except that's probably too much for a beginner...

kometbomb wrote:
IceWolf wrote:

Alright well now that it's built, not sure if the colors are working for noobstar but they aren't on any theme at all for me. It's only doing the standard original colors from before different colored patterns where there.

You probably need to copy the res directory to /usr/lib/klystrack/res, if you just build klystrack it will not install those files (installing the .deb package will do that). Maybe just download either of the .debs, install it and then run the build you built.

Well so far replacing the res files only changed the patterns to white, they used to be blue before that.

Alright well now that it's built, not sure if the colors are working for noobstar but they aren't on any theme at all for me. It's only doing the standard original colors from before different colored patterns where there.

Edit: please delete the duplicate posts, silly thing was being slow hmm

Alright well now that it's built, not sure if the colors are working for noobstar but they aren't on any theme at all for me. It's only doing the standard original colors from before different colored patterns where there.

Alright well now that it's built, not sure if the colors are working for noobstar but they aren't on any theme at all for me. It's only doing the standard original colors from before different colored patterns where there.

The latest source doesn't want to compile for me on gentoo 64bit. Do you want me to post the error here or in an email?


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I tried to build some older versions from http://sourceforge.net/projects/gambatt … /gambatte/ but they won't compile on gentoo. There was some error with the code or something, but I'm not sure how to fix that. I guess I can try the one older version of gambatte from the gentoo repos or just use save states.

Edit: Nope, doesn't make a difference on the slightly older version, guess I'll be save stating.

I bought lsdj today and while I await the cartridge's arrival, I thought I'd mess with it on an emulator. I'm using the gameboy emulator gambatte on linux. I entered in some notes on the phrase screen and have a chain on the song screen but in the project screen I don't see a save button anywhere O_O Am I missing something...?