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Topics by Teh D3th St4r
Posts found: 17-32 of 593
Research, then mod.
The shitty headphone solution that Nintendo provided us for the SP sucks 100 horse dicks... in a row.
You'll be better off building your own jack. This will most likely involve some serious case modification (ie. grafting jack housing into the existing shell) not impossible, but some forethought needs to go into it.
That's my two cents.
Strayed wrote:Wow thanks man! How reliable is it btw? I'm looking for a new tablet since I reformatted my thinkpad X41 tablet and the HD died in the process. There is now way to get XP Tablet edition for it anymore.
I haven't had a single problem with it. It's very responsive while I'm drawing. The digitizer is comfortable. I think all artists should have one.
Strayed wrote:Whats that tablet called again? Looks pretty cool man!
It's a Motion Computing LE1700

Category wrote:Teh D3th St4r wrote:I've also come up with another Pokedex build...
Okay, now you've piqued my interest!
You'll have to wait...
Now I'm just waiting on parts.

I've also come up with another Pokedex build... But I need to finish this one first.
arfink wrote:Teh D3th St4r wrote:Digital? The GBA is almost entirely analog. I'm simply converting the D-pad to a joystick... it's mechanics will remain unchanged.
What I mean is, each pad of d-pad can give you a high or low voltage depending on whether it's open or closed, where an analog joystick produces a variable voltage instead of a hi/low voltage.
Ah, I see.
I'm basically just gluing a joystick to the existing D-pad.
Super simple, rugged, not complicated.
I uploaded one of my progress pics to DeviantArt... and it's easily the most popular thing I've ever posted.
Over 400 views in 8 hours!

friendofmegaman wrote:I noticed you're using superglue. Are you going to reinforce it with something else or super glue is strong enough? Is it some special brand you're using or just any superglue would go?
If you use enough bracing (little plastic gussets) superglue is more than strong enough to hold everything together. I prefer it over a lot of other more expensive modeling epoxies.
Nothing special, brand wise. Just some superglue that came in three-packs at Harbor Freight. I have yet to have superglue fail on my mods.
Digital? The GBA is almost entirely analog. I'm simply converting the D-pad to a joystick... it's mechanics will remain unchanged.
Category wrote:Teh D3th St4r wrote:Feedback?
Absolutely gorgeous dude! 3 questions though (in the inquiring sort)
Where are you gonna put the power switch/volume wheel?
Do you plan on having the the bottom shoulder buttons (armpit buttons?) Functional, or just aesthetic?
The pokedex dpad looks almost like a trackball - are you gonna try and match the look, or keep it more functional?
Keep up the good work dude
I hope this answers all of your questions.
I'll post pics of the custom joystick thing when it's finished.

EDIT: Yes, I realize I spelled "backlight" wrong. I misspelled it so it would fit on the screen.
Vile wrote:Would it technically be easier to add a 2nd D-pad and run small jumpers to the contact points of the main D-pad? Not sure if that made sense.
That's what I'm doing.
This is what I've got so far.

EDIT: Better Picture
Alright... Now I need parts from the new GBA.
Time to fit the other set of shoulder buttons to the bottom of the shell.

I always reach that point in a project where I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do in order to get the results that I want... so I just start cutting.

I've certainly go a knack for making things work when I don't know what I'm doing.

Stay tuned for the undoubtedly complicated relocation of the power switch, headphone jack, and volume controls.
SpookGoblin wrote:Teh D3th St4r wrote:No joke: I have overflowing inboxes all over the internet right now...
Why don't any of my paintings or comics get this kind of attention?

Also... "looses." 
Damn it... I knew it was only a matter of time before I had a catastrophic grammatical failure.
Category wrote:Its coming along nicely! Any thoughts on how your going to relocate the PCB contacts for the D-pad?
I started this build with a VERY dead GBA. I just picked up another one with all of the wonderful working parts, and will swap all of the guts from that into the Pokedex. I'll then cut out the d-pad section of the old dead board and wire it to the new one.

I almost forgot the groove down the side.

Ahhhh... That's better.
Posts found: 17-32 of 593 / Forums / Posts by Teh D3th St4r