(33 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

2.3v was just an example, and I haven't tested it. It was simple nonsense, and your semantics aren't necessary.


(33 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

ashimoke wrote:

I can build a smaller one.

nitro2k01 wrote:

That's what the buck boost converter would be for. No matter what the battery voltage, the output will always be 6v. Battery down to 2.3v? Output will stil be 6v. So you'll have power right up until you don't...


(33 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

SICK! This (at 6v) is what I need for my keyboard!


(33 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I have it dialed down to 5.8v running it through some resistors and a converter on a breadboard right now.
Gonna see how everything goes, then I'm gonna experiment with a LTC3789 buck boost converter. That should be significantly more efficient, and have comparable battery life to the 4 AA's.


(33 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

OKAY! I tried it. It works. Left it on a timer, and I'll tell you how long the battery lasts tomorrow.


(33 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nitro2k01 wrote:

Would you kids please stop doing this all the time?

What? Bitching about ignorant dumbassery, or converting DMG's to run on a single battery to make room for additional mods?


(33 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

martin_demsky wrote:

You are woman, so do you need to replace one battery with a tampon?

1: That is hella fuckin' sexist.
2: What the hell is that supposed to mean anyway?


(33 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

It should work.


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I encourage you to build one yourself.
If you use best practices, your first successful mod will make you feel like you're f**king magic!
My worst problems came from a premodded DMG that I purchased... it was a mess in there.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I want everything that's not fleshy pink and a set of DMG clear orange (if you still have them).
PM me to talk shop.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Well... now I'm just waiting on parts, and for some paint I requested down at the shops.
Nothing of any particular interest has happened.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

SadPanda wrote:
Teh D3th St4r wrote:

Some of the controls take some getting used to (re. clicking left thumbstick to run, and left trigger to sight weapons) but other than that, this shit is solid.

those are the controls for every fps on the xbox ever....

You clearly haven't played Halo, Hλlf-Life 2, Time Splitters, Left 4 Dead... or any other FPS game on the xbox that wasn't Call of Duty. What I describe is the default setting for CoD, and the only other game I've played with that as the default is Aliens: Colonial Marines.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Vex wrote:

Yea i have a bunch of randoms, none of which are really sets its just a bunch if random ass colors. Lol

Post a pic of every spare color button you have (don't care about sets) I might just buy all of them from you.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Russellian wrote:

I'm sorry for you. sad

Whatever, dude. This game is SICK!
Some of the controls take some getting used to (re. clicking left thumbstick to run, and left trigger to sight weapons) but other than that, this shit is solid. It's like being in one of the movies... an Aliens game made by Aliens nerds. Set and sound design are top notch, enemy AI is fearsome on the more difficult settings, weapons capabilities are as varied as they are in Hλlf-Life 2... the voice acting isn't stellar, but I don't like cut-scenes anyway.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Just got back from my favorite local game store (fuck you, Game Stop!)

Nothing's getting done today!


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Vex wrote:

Ill trade you DMG clear orange for those color clear orange. Just give me til the 22nd and we can do it. I need some color clear orange and i have 4 sets of dmg clear orange lol

I already installed them in my GBC. If I'm tired of how they look by the 22nd, I'll totally trade with you. Have any other DMG button colors?