Here we are again... waiting for glue to dry...

Exciting, no?
Can't decide how I want to paint this thing...

Oh SNAP! Look what just got delivered to my house; My new 64mb smartcard and premodded DMG. Alright, now I get to make some music.

But wait, there's a problem... The start and select buttons are hella sticky, and why do I have volume control out of my RCA jacks? This is supposed to be prosound.
*sigh* Let's go take a look.

We'll start with cleaning those buttons so they'll stop sticking.

Now let's have a look at this wiring...
WHAT!? You didn't even attempt to wire this thing pre-pot. If you're going to do a Prosound mod, make sure you've ACTUALLY done the prosound mod... line-level out needs to bypass the potentiometer, dude. All you did was add a couple of outputs, you didn't upgrade anything.

You can't tell from the picture, but this person took sand paper to the battery terminals *facepalm*

Luckily I had a full set of extras.

Electrical tape?! Are you serious? C'mon, shrink tube isn't expensive.

Well, I've absolved you of your modding sins (or whatever). Seriously, if you're the person that did these mods, you should be ashamed of yourself. Let's button this bad boy up and go make some tunes...

Still waiting for glue to dry.