@Jellica, true that. We came to the same conclusion yesterday. The problem has always been there since the beginning of time. It's just that now people only need three mouse clicks to propagate their awfulness. God damn intertubes$#%^&
@roboctopus, yeah I tend to be the same. I can spend insane amounts of time of little details nobody will pay attention to. I think it does make for higher quality releases in the end, but I'm almost starting to wonder if it's worth the time since good releases get drowned in the flow of sewage so quick that they don't even get noticed. I've listened to your EP btw, rocking stuff
@esc, I think I was referring to both single tracks and EPs/albums really. I've seen terrible shit on either side. I see what you mean by not even listening to the individual releases anymore, but I kind of feel this part of the problem. If we don't pay attention to what others release, how can we expect them to pay attention to what we release? Shouldn't we collectively try to raise the bar instead?