(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hello, I have 2 questions: I just bought an Arduinoboy and have been trying to find out how to exploit it's polyphonic capabilities to use the Game Boy as a synth through my MIDI controller in mGB. However I'm really confused about Channel 5. If I play a chord and, for instance, hold the top note, while having the two lower notes move to different notes, the top note will be killed since it cycles through the different channels. Is there some possible way to program a mode to kill notes that are being lifted off and keep notes that are still being held when new notes are being pressed? This would be soo helpful for performing.

Also I have a question about using a DAW (I have Logic) in playing mGB polyphony. So far I have 3 lines of midi notes in 3 separate tracks that are all sending MIDI messages to mGB channels 1-3, respectively. However, mGB only seems to process one voice at a time, so the result is one line playing at a time, priority given to lower-numbered channels. I also tried using channel 5 while copying and pasting all 3 lines onto one track sending each line within the track to channels 1-3 respectively. I also tried sending all the notes to channel 5, but it still will not play back as 3 separate lines. I'm out of ideas, is there some way to accomplish this so I don't have to go back and program it all into LSDj?


(56 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It's been two weeks since payment for me so far, and I have not heard anything. It's frustrating how hard it is to contact him. I can't imagine waiting for 2 whole years.
I ordered something from Nonfinite Electronics and got the package within days of my payment. There should be a review written so people don't fall for the relatively lower prices thinking that they'll get something.