Natural it is then.

Also, my makeup looks better than yours.


You can't handle all this hairiness, quit already James.

I can play this game too.

You're in a KPop boys band now, James?

Nah just trying to be cool.

James, you have some hair competition ^

ant1 wrote:

tomorrow i'm going to reinstall linux and take one of my guinea pigs to the vet

I use to have 4 guinea pigs and I still need to reinstall Linux.

I'm a 27 yo girl living in Montreal, moving to England in 3 weeks.
I studied French literature then computer science.
I work as a makeup artist to pay the rent and the booze.
I also sometimes work as assistant publisher, being a meanie with a red pen.
I've published some of my own stuff here and there and am working on my first novel.
I also help putting up the Toy Company gigs.
Oh and booze and videogames.

This thing is still going on?


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Making a list seems pointless.
I just want to share with you how awesome Alain Bashung was.
He sang in French so most of you probably don't know him.

Well I didn't want to look *that* misanthropic, but thanks Celsius!

The problem with chipmusic is people who think they know their shit better than others.
I'm one of those cunts.

Bit Shifter wrote:

I'm sick of chipmusic because... wait, I'm not, it's all pretty cool actually.

If you only have nice things to say then don't say anything.

stfu d...
oh wait.